ACTION ALERT-MORON America's Great Outdoors Initiative

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
Thomas Jefferson once said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for a people of good conscience to remain silent". Many of us have remained silent. Now is a good time to speak up.

One look at the agency heads leading this makes one realize the amount of power being applied to this program.

- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
- Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
- White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley
- Agriculture Under Secretary Harris Sherman
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Assistant Secretary Jo-Ellen Darcy

The reality is Recreation organizations need more people to speak up to provide the influence needed to change the direction of the America's Great Outdoors Initiative. Much as we might like to think that someone else can do the work, sometimes everyone needs to help, that time is now. One easy way you can help is to VOTE for IDEAS to help support your continued access to public lands.

Vote and read more here . . . Save The Trails

and here . . . America's Great Outdoors

Two minute action letter here . . . Save The Trails
Thomas Jefferson once said, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for a people of good conscience to remain silent". Many of us have remained silent. Now is a good time to speak up.

One look at the agency heads leading this makes one realize the amount of power being applied to this program.

- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
- Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
- White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley
- Agriculture Under Secretary Harris Sherman
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Assistant Secretary Jo-Ellen Darcy

The reality is Recreation organizations need more people to speak up to provide the influence needed to change the direction of the America's Great Outdoors Initiative. Much as we might like to think that someone else can do the work, sometimes everyone needs to help, that time is now. One easy way you can help is to VOTE for IDEAS to help support your continued access to public lands.

Vote and read more here . . . Save The Trails

and here . . . America's Great Outdoors

Two minute action letter here . . . Save The Trails

Thank you!

Please consider it as just a "guest appearance" for something REALLY important!!

Unless you folks have changed your policy and let the items posted in this sub-forum go to the main page it will remain as such! If the policy has in fact changed, I'd become a "regular" once again in a heart beat!!!
Votes Bring Balance to America's Great Outdoor Initiative

Save The Trails, ARRA and American Landrights teamed up to post alerts recently asking people to VOTE for IDEAS to help ensure the President's Great Outdoor Initiative was about keeping public lands open to all forms of recreation, including Off Road Recreation. At the time the top rated IDEAS had mostly been about closing public lands, designating more inappropriate Wilderness Areas and National Monuments.


More here . . . Save The Trails
"America's Great Outdoors" (AGO) Initiative

Page 1 of "All Ideas" . . .
America's Great Outdoors IdeaJam

There are 19 pages of posts so far, many of the old ones on page 19 back through page 1 need further scrutiny and votes.

In reading many of the comments below the "ideas", the anti-access crowd is complaining that the OHV Community has "taken over" the site . . . good for us!

We need to be respectful, act like the Adults that we are and not respond in kind to inflammatory comments like this one left in response to the thoughts I posted . . .

"5) Alden Moffatt (27 Jul 2010)
It cracks me up to hear the OHV crowd use the disabled American argument to support their case for more OHV trails. In my opinion, all of you must be disabled. You better get off your asses and go hiking or your bodies will atrophe and all you'll be able to do is watch TV. You are lazy. You are lame. You wish that was a disability. For people who are truly disable, do you really want to be lumped in with these lazy lumps of fat who are using you as an excuse for their fat behavior."

You can find my submission here . . . America's Great Outdoors IdeaJam - The Public Lands of OUR Great Nation Belong to All Americans . . . please promote it if it makes sense to you!

Keep it up folks, let's fight these pukes!

Just in case you haven’t seen or heard of this AGO Initiative and even if you have, it’s worth revisiting to reiterate that this has the real possibility of killing OHV Recreation as we know it, turning our expensive machines into lawn ornaments or perhaps relegating us to massively reduced Public Land opportunities, private properties and the few cramped SRVAs that remain.

TAKE ACTION!! Speak up now or face the possibility of parking your rig!!!

Promote the pro-access and multiple use ideas if they make sense to you. If you really want to get involved, demote the anti-access ideas and those which would put OUR Nation further in debt!

Page 1 of “All Ideas†. . . America's Great Outdoors IdeaJam
Get With It or Park It

The "anti-access" crowd has hit the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative (AGO) “Idea Jam†web site BIG TIME and we OHV users have lost all the ground we had a week ago.

If you want to continue using OUR Public Lands for OHV Recreation you’d better spend more time and effort up here than you do on the trail . . . America's Great Outdoors IdeaJam . . . they have!!!

Demote their crap, promote ours and perhaps put up some thoughtful ideas of your own or . . . KISS IT ALL GOOD-BYE!!!
BRC’s Recreation News - AGOI

“This whole AGOI smacks of predetermined and socially engineered outcome (especially the public meetings) a means of justifying action on the part of this administration if you will.

None-the-less, we need to stay as involved as we can as the process follows its course.â€

Please get involved in this battle, demote the bad and promote pro-OHV access at . . . America's Great Outdoors IdeaJam


America's Great Outdoors / Treasured Landscape Update

"The AGO Initiative was featured in a recent opinion piece by conservative blogger and best selling author Michelle Malkin...

How Obama is locking up our land
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate

Michelle Malkin How Obama is locking up our land

Here is some news on the Treasured Landscapes, Interior Secretary Kan Salazar's environmentalist utopian vision for the BLM. This is from “The Pulse-of Colorado Farm Bureau blog...

Complete Federal Land Grab Document Released
Complete Federal Land Grab Document Released The Pulse- of Colorado Farm Bureau

And some more national news, Treasured Landscape; an opinion from the editors at the Washington Times.

DEMINT: White House land grab
DEMINT: White House land grab - Washington Times

I need to take issue with something they say about the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument:

One of the monuments President Clinton created was the Grande Staircase-Escalante in Utah, where 135,000 acres of land were leased for oil and gas and about 65,000 barrels of oil were produced each year from five active wells. But, President Clinton put an end to developing those resources.

All that's true, but what the Washington Times doesn't note is that Clinton's Monument ended plans to develop the Kaparowitz plateau coal reserves. This is one of the largest deposits of low sulfur – high btu coal (means: clean burning) in the world. Estimates of the value range in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

Just sayin...."
There are now 46 pages of “Ideas†and thousands of “Commentsâ€, if you aren’t involved you will suffer the consequences!
Congress Considering Public Lands Omnibus Bill, Again!

Weigh In to Encourage Your Members to Reject Omnibus Approach

As you may recall, last year Congress approved a massive omnibus public lands bill that cobbled more than 160 separate pieces of legislation into one massive bill. The bill permanently eliminated the potential for motorized recreation on more than two million acres of public lands that were designated as wilderness in nine states. In addition, the package added three new national park units, a new national monument, three new national conservation areas, more than 1,000 miles of national wild and scenic rivers and four new national trails. Also signed into law as a part of the omnibus package was the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) Act, which is currently being used to limit motorized access on Bureau of Land Management lands.

Now Congress is considering creating another public lands omnibus package. Key Members of Congress have indicated that they would like an omnibus this year and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has made it clear that he would like Congress to move one as well.

It is important that you contact your Members of Congress and key Congressional leaders to let them know you oppose a new massive omnibus public lands law and that a repeat of the 2009 law will mean more restrictions to access.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link below to urge your Members and key Congressional leaders to oppose a massive omnibus bill in favor of ensuring that all public lands bills have hearings to allow for full local input.

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