About ECORS (East Coast Offroad Racing Series)


This is the Southeast's answer to the newest trend in 4x4 offroad racing. Race events will be run as an endurance style event where the racers will have staggered start times with multiple laps and up to 2 hours of racing.

Since guys running stock and mildly built vehicles like to race too, we have developed 3 classes to provide everyone an opportunity to race and be competitive. Now you don't need a full custom buggy to race and be competitive! All it takes is any 4x4 vehicle and the desire to win! Check our Class information to the left for more information about our different opportunities for all vehicle types.

ECORS is a traveling race series and during 2011, we will be hosting 5 races at various OHV destinations in the South East. Our events are typically held on Saturdays so that most folks can participate or come cheer the competitors on. Typically, most spectators and competitors come in on Friday afternoon and evenings and camp Friday nights. Most venues are set up to allow RVs and primitive tents. Each class of vehicle runs separate as each class will have a different course depending on difficulty. Each class will have a designated amount of time to complete a pre-determined amount of laps. Typically for Class A and B, this is 2 hours of racing and for Class C, this is 2 hours. While a specific class is competing, all competitors in that class will be on the course at the same time. During the start, competitors are released in staggered start times to help keep traffic jams to a minimum. This is true endurance type racing as outside help by spectators is not allowed on the race course! We have a pit set up specifically for repairs and refueling. Safety is our #1 priority and we set up each course to allow as much action for spectators and racers but keep it as safe as possible. Please contact us for more information about racing, spectating, or becoming a sponsor!


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