A Recreation Activist's Toolkit

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
Many of these titles are user group specific, but the information in them isn't.

BLUERIBBON COALITION RECREATION ACTIVIST MEDIA GUIDE--Written by former BlueRibbon Coalition Board member Park Owens, this 12 page guide will walk you through the intimidating task of dealing with the general media. It is written by an enthusiast in language that you can understand. This document is available for download at . . . http://www.sharetrails.org/recreatio...edia_Guide.pdf

BLUERIBBON COALITION CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY--Lists the entire U.S. Congress, with tips on how to contact your legislators. Phone, fax, email and snail mail addresses and committee assignments. Also includes information on the Governors of all 50 states, the President and Vice President, the Cabinet and selected federal agencies. ($10.00 + $5.00 shipping)

BLUERIBBON COALITION RS-2477 WORKSHOP HANDOUTS--Includes the Western Counties' Resources Policy Institute's "Source Book on RS-2477 Rights-of-Way Issues" and other materials to help you assert an RS-2477 right of way on your local roads and trails. This document is available for download at http://www.sharetrails.org/recreatio...op_Handout.pdf

"RECREATIONAL TRAILS PROGRAM" (RTP) BROCHURE--An informative item to help interested parties make use of RTP funds for trail maintenance and construction. It is available through the U.S. Department of Transportation's website at . . . http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/...ls/rtbroch.htm

COLLABORATION CHECKBOXES--A set of checkboxes to guide you through participation in the collaborative process. A well-conceived collaborative process should include a "check" for each of these items. You can view them at . . . http://www.sharetrails.org/collaboration_checkboxes

POWER TOOLS--Tools to Protect Your Access is the first section from BRC's How to Work with Land Management Agencies guide. This section consists of key "tips and pointers" developed to help individuals and organizations participate in the public land management planning process. It is available at . . . http://www.sharetrails.org/recreatio...PowerTools.pdf

POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS FROM THE '08 NOHVCC AND NAOPM CONFERENCES--You can now download a PDF file of many of the PowerPoint presentations given at the '08 Conferences. http://www.nohvcc.org/conference/conpower.asp


National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC)
NOHVCC staff and volunteer State Partners develop and provide information on club and state association development, OHV land management, and other services. They provide an ever-expanding array of "tools" and materials for OHV individuals, clubs, associations and agencies in order to further a positive future for responsible OHV recreation.

Locate your NOHVCC State Representative on the website at www.nohvcc.org or contact NOHVCC at 800-348-6487.

Online library of OHV recreation-related documents and studies including planning and management, wildlife, economic impact studies, environmental ethics, sound monitoring, safety, and more (www.nohvcc.org).

• Workshops for land managers and OHV ethusiasts.
• Information on youth OHV programs.
• OHV park guidebook and CD-Rom presentation.
• OHV-related Public Service Announcement materials for print, TV and radio.
• Free club-starting kits.
• Public awareness and image enhancement materials.
• Weekly e-mail newsletter.
• NOHVCC press releases and articles.
• NOHVCC exposition booths and distribution materials.
• NOHVCC semi-truck equipped with ATVs for safety training programs, outdoor audio system, videos and distribution materials.

American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)
The AMA focuses on rights, riding and racing through its government relations work, by sanctioning road and off-road riding activities and overseeing professional and amateur racing events.

Address: 13515 Yarmouth Drive, Pickerington, OH, 43147
Phone: (614) 856-1900, Fax: (614) 856-1920 (8:30am-5:00pm, M-F, EST)
Website: www.ama-cycle.org

Sound advice link: www.amadirectlink.com/legisltn/Sound_Advice.asp

Position statements: www.amadirectlink.com/legisltn/issues.asp

State Law Guide (on and off road): www.amadirectlink.com/legisltn/laws.asp

Rights main page: www.amadirectlink.com/legisltn/resources.asp

News & Notes: AMA Government Relations News & Notes a monthly e-mail service compiled and edited by the AMA Government Relations Staff http://www.amadirectlink.com/legislt...otes/index.asp.

GRD Publications
• The Trail Riders Guide to the Forest Service Appeals Process
• State Preemption Law for Motorcyclists
• Motorcyclists Political Action Handbook
• Motorcyclists Guide to Political Action Committees
• How to Communicate with Government
• A Motorcyclist's Guide to Finding and Understanding Laws and Regulations
• Program Planning & Proposal Writing for Motorcycling Organizations
• Motorcycle Laws
• Off-Highway Motorcycle & ATV Laws
• Summary of AMA Position Statements
• AMA Position on Voluntary Helmet Use
• AMA Position on Voluntary Sound Management
• AMA Position on Mandatory Rider Education
• AMA Position on Access to Public Lands
• AMA Position on Local Motorized Recreation Restrictions
• AMA Motorcycle Access PolicySound Advice
• Government Relations Department
• Off-Highway and Dual-Purpose Motorcycle Enthusiast Demographics
• Off-Highway Motorcycle & ATV Trails Guidelines for Design
• How You Can Become an AMA Community Council Member
• Motorcyclists' Guide to Political Action Committees
• Communications 101 for Motorcyclist Rights Groups
• Motorcyclists' Guide to a Get Out The Vote Campaign

International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA)
ISMA is an organization representing the four snowmobile manufacturers: Arctic Cat, Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), Polaris Industries and Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA. ISMA functions to provide and encourage policies, programs and activities to improve the life-style activity of snowmobiling throughout the world.

Address: 1640 Haslett Rd., Suite 170, Haslett, MI, 48840
Phone: (517) 339-7788, Fax: (517) 339-7798
Website: www.snowmobile.org
• Snowmobiling Fact Book www.snowmobile.org/snowmobilefacts.asp

Tread Lightly!
Tread Lightly! is an apolitical non-profit organization that promotes responsible recreation. While the books below are important to any recreational activists tool-kit, the fact that they are listed here should in no way be construed as an endorsement by Tread Lightly! of any political view.

Address: 298 24th Street, Suite 325, Ogden, UT, 84401
Phone: (800) 966-9900, Fax: (801) 621-8633
Website: www.treadlightly.org

Guidebooks provide in-depth information on the fundamentals for a particular activity such as step-by-step preparation, negotiating terrain, driving or riding tips, vehicle and safety equipment checklists, and minimum impact traveling and camping techniques.

Tread Lightly!'s Guidebooks to Responsible Recreation are available at the discounted rate of $0.30 to members (non member rate is $0.50) available through their website. They are also available to download for free at http://www.treadlightly.org/page.php...uidebooks.html.

Tread Lightly Recreation Guides--
• Guide To Responsible Off-Highway Motorcycle Use
• Guide To Responsible Four-Wheeling
• Guide To Responsible ATV Riding
• Guide To Responsible Mountain Biking
• Guide To Responsible Snowmobiling
• Guide To Personal Watercraft Use
• Guide to Responsible Sand Duning

Publications of the Equestrian Land Conservation Resource (ELCR)

(These items must be ordered from ELCR directly)

Address: PO Box 335, Galena, IL 61036
Phone: (815) 776-0150, Fax: (815) 776-9420
Website: www.elcr.org

* Getting Organized: Creating an Equestrian Trails Organization--$15.00 (+$3.00 s/h)
* Equestrian Land Protection Guide--$15.00 (+ $3.00 s/h)
* In Their Shoes--$25.00 (+ $5.00 s/h)

Other Recreation Activist's Tools - Capitol Switchboard
Call 202-224-3121 to reach the offices of your Senators and Representatives at any time, day or night.

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