6th annual 4th of July Vail Lake with the Valenzuela's

Awesome P&B it will be so great to see you again. Can't wait.

Hi Ernesto, please ad one more, Kraig & family in space 170. Also are there any plans for a pot luck or get together? Carne asada? Beans? Rice? Fresh queso? Cisco's refried beans (the best I've had). I volunteer the meat and tortillas. Let us know.
PB which Kraig is this?

Marc, Debi and fam on space 106 our friends
Ernesto, Toni and fam on space 108
Cisco's sister on space 313
Jaime and Melissa on space 314
Cisco and Vicky on space 379
Dan and Christopher Kiewicz
on space 380
Brent and Fam "P&B"on space 369
Kraig and FAm on space 370

ageekwithajeep everywhere


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PB which Kraig is this?

Marc, Debi and fam on space 106 our friends
Ernesto, Toni and fam on space 108
Cisco's sister on space 313
Jaime and Melissa on space 314
Cisco and Vicky on space 379
Dan and Christopher Kiewicz on space 380
Brent and Fam "P&B"on space 369
Kraig and FAm on space 370

ageekwithajeep everywhere

Map has a cirle on space 368, but I don't see it in the list ;-)
Map does not have a circle on 380 ?
so whats food situation? My Gf's parent's want to come out friday night to meet all you guys.......be nice, i told them to come for dinner. Could we organize a pot luck for that night or something? To show them what La Familia'a about?

love you guys
so whats food situation? My Gf's parent's want to come out friday night to meet all you guys.......be nice, i told them to come for dinner. Could we organize a pot luck for that night or something? To show them what La Familia'a about?

love you guys

Hey AG, as I posted earlier, we're up for a potluck. I can bring carne and tortillas if everyone agrees or whatever. Anyone else interested?
so whats food situation? My Gf's parent's want to come out friday night to meet all you guys.......be nice, i told them to come for dinner. Could we organize a pot luck for that night or something? To show them what La Familia'a about?

love you guys

Sounds like a great idea. Let's start a list:

1. dkiewicz - chicken enchiladas (with muy bueno verde chile)
Wouldn't be 4th of July without some homemade Ice cream and apple pie

1. dkiewicz chicken enchiladas (with muy bueno verde chile)
2. J&M - Home made ice cream, M's special coconut apple pie
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awesome guys, they want to bring something so ill figure out what they want to bring and post it .

1. dkiewicz chicken enchiladas (with muy bueno verde chile)
2. J&M - Home made ice cream, M's special coconut apple pie
3. Brent & Pam (Porknbeanr) Carne Asada & Tortillas
4. Ag plates, napkins
Wouldn't be 4th of July without some homemade Ice cream and apple pie

1. dkiewicz chicken enchiladas (with muy bueno verde chile)
2. J&M - Home made ice cream, M's special coconut apple pie
3. Brent & Pam (Porknbeanr) Carne Asada & Tortillas
4. Valenzuelas:More carne asada, tortillas and salsa
5.Ag plates, napkins
Hi all, Toni here, Friday nigth potluck sounds good, Vicky and I had talked about maybe getting together every night at diff campsites so that we can all enjoy each other, specially since we will be at another site area and we have 2 sets of friends coming with us, in fact, one of our friends is planning some ribs for saturday ( I will double check day). Make sure to bring bikes for kids and games for adults ( horseshoes, cards, etc) They have water slides, pool, mini golf, arcade, band/dancing and we can also catch and release at the lake. Anyway, cant wait to see you all.
Hi all, Toni here, Friday nigth potluck sounds good, Vicky and I had talked about maybe getting together every night at diff campsites so that we can all enjoy each other, specially since we will be at another site area and we have 2 sets of friends coming with us, in fact, one of our friends is planning some ribs for saturday ( I will double check day). Make sure to bring bikes for kids and games for adults ( horseshoes, cards, etc) They have water slides, pool, mini golf, arcade, band/dancing and we can also catch and release at the lake. Anyway, cant wait to see you all.

Yes a potluck for each night need to be set up ;-)
Compadre I will talk to Toni see if something can be organize give me a day or so...... Can't wait, only 10 days left.:):):):):)
Hi again familia, Toni here, just spoke with Vicky and here is the plan, Friday potluck, everyone brings a dish to share ( list already going on). Saturday Vail Lake has fireworks, they usually start as soon as it gets dark, 8:30-9pm, so we were thinking we have a regular picnic day, hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, potato-macaroni salads, ribs, etc, we all bring enough for our families plus extra to share. This usually works well. Sunday Vicky and I will make barbacoa, which is that yummy meat with the red juice for tacos, we just need the rest of you to bring corn tortillas, lemons, chopped onions, cabbage and maybe some beans to compliment the meat. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. See you all soon.
Hi again familia, Toni here, just spoke with Vicky and here is the plan, Friday potluck, everyone brings a dish to share ( list already going on). Saturday Vail Lake has fireworks, they usually start as soon as it gets dark, 8:30-9pm, so we were thinking we have a regular picnic day, hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, potato-macaroni salads, ribs, etc, we all bring enough for our families plus extra to share. This usually works well. Sunday Vicky and I will make barbacoa, which is that yummy meat with the red juice for tacos, we just need the rest of you to bring corn tortillas, lemons, chopped onions, cabbage and maybe some beans to compliment the meat. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. See you all soon.

1.dkiewicz____________ Saturday: Hot Links or Polish Sausage____________ Sunday: Cans of beans:D

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