2700 miles later and finally blew a belt on my XP1000

This is all great information! We have 5000 miles on our 2012 RZR 900 and have blown a belt almost exactly 1,000 miles. Its nice to somewhat know when to expect it but of course we have learned to keep two belts in the RZR. One for us and one for a buddy!
he must have mis-read my statement above. can-am has had THE WORST clutch in every machine they have produced from 2004-2015. every machine. from the 400 to the 1000 every machine sold had the crappiest clutch design. if you expected to have performance and power and not blow belts you had to change the clutch out the day you bought it from the dealer. i can not even begin to tell you how many clutches i have sold from customers loading their commander or maverick onto the trailer at the dealer and blowing a belt. 85% of my business sales is directly can-am. dont think they are superior. they finally spent the money and time to get ONE CLUTCH right.the XDS turbo has a very good clutch, the parts are great. the calibrations need a little tweaking to make it perfect, but its a good design FINALLY. i wouldnt go so far as to say the maverick are superior over the polaris. each have their own weaknesses and strengths.
Adam, everyone knows im a dumb ass. I was totally kidding. Joey has kicked me off this site 28 times now. I just keep re signing up under alias's. Your information is kick ass, so hope you didn't take me wrong. Plus, I sniff glue a lot..... trying to quit, but Krazy Glue just came out with Blueberry flavor.....fuk me....
So one of my friends was at apache Honda they told him for $300 bucks and 2.5hr of labor they would up grade his 2013 maverick clutch system. I believe they are changing the secondary what he told me, is there any truth to this adam. They told him its all can am parts too.
That deal ended jan 1st.

It was an upgrade for the NA mavericks. The upgrade was the maverick turbo secondary and clutch cover and new ducting. Can am had a deal that if you pay $337 + shop labor at any can am dealer you could have it all installed. But the deal only ran for 2 months and ended December 31st or jan 1st I can't remember I think the service bulletin said jan 1st.

The upgrade was substantial the parts were worth every penny. The secondary would bolt on and work like an STM secondsry. It's a true roller secondary and it works wonderfully well. For aggressive guys you really need a spring change in it and the primary but the secondary and clutch cover and all was worth every penny. You can buy the kit outright on eBay right now.


The kit has some legit parts. But the $300 deal is gone.

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