2018 UTV World Championship Info Thread



Details constantly updated and added at www.UTVWorldChampionship.com.

Race Details and Registration can be found here: http://bitd.com/polaris-rzr-utv-world-championship-desert-classic/

Short Course & Youth 170 Class Details Here: http://www.utvunderground.com/2018-...hort-course-youth-utv-requirements-57030.html

BITD Desert Race will conform to 2018 Rules & Class Structure with the addition of a the NEW UTV Sportsman RALLY Class! See Details here: http://www.utvunderground.com/new-s...polaris-rzr-utv-world-championship-56172.html

Vendor & Booth Space Info: https://www.dirtco.com/products/2018-utvwc-contingency-booth-space
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1. The Polaris RZR World Championship racecourse will feature several different race formats:
 Eight (9) laps (17-mile loop) for BITD Motorcycles & Quads for a total of 153 miles
 Ten (9) laps (17-mile loop) for BITD Pro/Turbo/Unlimited/Spt UTV’s for a total of 153 miles
 Three (3) laps (17-mile loop) for Production UTV’s for a total of 51 miles
 A special Youth Production 170 Class Race for ½ hour on a ½ mile course (this will be on Friday)
 Note: mileages and laps are approximate and subject to change.

2. Race Format: We will feature a full scale Motorcycle/Quad and UTV Gran Prix Style in the morning
and a Production Style Short Course Race in the afternoon.

3. The Desert Race will be the normal style Best In The Desert format, BITD team race and BITD points.

4. In addition to the regular BITD format, Best In The Desert will sanction a Youth RZR 170 race on Friday April, 6, 2018.

5. A Family Poker Run will be run on Friday, April 6, from 8 am to 10:45 am. You MUST BE
IN A STOCK UTV, NO RACE UTV’s ALLOWED on the Family Poker Run. You must be PRE
ENTERED to attend the Poker Run. All people in the UTV must come to registration, 8-10 am!

6. There will be one (1) Hot Pit for Motorcycles, Quads & UTV’s. You are allowed to fuel and switch
riders at the Hot Pit only. You will only need one (1) pit support vehicle at the Hot Pit.

7. Polaris RZR XP1000 machines are up for grabs! Polaris RZR, as an awesome Title
Sponsor, has brand some new 2018 Polaris RZR XP1000 machines up for grabs.

8. GREAT NEWS!! A Motocross Style area will be open for spectators. Also, there WILL BE overnight
camping allowed at Main Parking Area.

9. Draw Date: The draw for start positions in Wednesday, March 21, 2018, get your entry in by 3/16!

10. HOST HOTEL: Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino, is the Host Hotel for the event. Please call
(800) 227-3849, group code CUTVW8 and make your reservations by 3/15/18. The Tropicana
Hotel will be our overflow hotel, call (800) 343-4533, and Harrah’s Hotel (866) 781-9572. Three great
hotels to choose from in Laughlin, NV!

11. The AWARDS PRESENTATION for the Polaris RZR World Championship Race will be held on
Saturday evening, April 7, 2018, at Harrah’s Laughlin, by the river! Don’t miss an awesome
day of racing and a wild night of celebrating in the fun town of Laughlin!

12. The Laughlin Sidewinder and Spectating Areas will be in the Main Parking Area and you can camp
there! The area will be a mile and a half of an all-new grand prix course with jumps and incredible
excitement! The Main Parking Area and the Laughlin Sidewinder will be watered down so you’ll have
a clear frame for watching your favorite racers compete.

13. The Polaris RZR World Championship will be filmed by off-road production powerhouse MadMedia
on broadcast on national television.

14. Monster Energy will be the presenting sponsor of Polaris RZR UTV World Championship.

15. The Polaris RZR World Championship is an AWESOME MOTORCYCLE, QUAD and UTV race
for the 2018 schedule and “The American Off-Road Racing Series!” Remember, the race vehicle
must enter and start all points events to become CLASS CHAMPION!!!
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2018 UTV World Championship Short Course & Youth UTV Requirements

Time to get ready for the 2018 Polaris RZR UTV World Championship Powered by Monster Energy on April 5-7in Laughlin, NV. We are making constant updates to the UTV World Championship website so keep checking back in.

Please read the rules below in full and be sure to register ASAP with Best In The Desert!

For direct questions regarding RULES in all classes, please contact UTV World Championship & BITD UTV Class Director Cory Sappington: Email: deserttoyz@hotmail.com Phone: 602-769-6164

For questions regarding registration and other race related items, contact Best In The Desert via BITD.com

For event & sponsorship related questions refer to the CONTACT section of UTVWorldChampionship.com

Please contact UTVWC Technical Director Cory Sappington with any additional rules or technical questions: deserttoyz@hotmail.com 602-769-6164


Short Course UTV Requirements (Turbo,1000, 900, 800)
  1. 6 Point Roll-Cage. (Factory cage OK as long as it meets 6 point minimum)
  2. Side Panels / Doors Required (Doors must be secured to prevent from popping open)
  3. Window Nets Required
  4. Roof Panel Required
  5. One 2.5lb Fire Extinguisher Mounted On UTV w/ Quick Release.
  6. 5- Point Seat Belts Required 2” or 3” Wide Belts OK, 3” Preferred
  7. One Piece Fire-Suit Required
  8. Helmet w/ DOT or Snell Decal. Eye Protection Must Be Shatter Resistant.
  9. Gloves and Approved Head & Neck Restraints ARE Required
  10. Numbers On Both Sides Of Vehicle. Minimum 8” Tall Numbers, Yellow Background w/ Black Numbers (Refer To BITD Entry Form For # Assignment)
  11. Two 2.5lb Fire Extinguisher In Your Pit. Must Be Near Vehicle During Fueling.
  12. Fuel Mat Required For Pit Stops
  13. All PIT Personnel MUST wear Orange Safety Vest
  14. $25.00 Cash Only Tech Fee Due At Time Of Inspection

Short Course UTV RZR 170 Class Requirements
  1. Polaris RZR 170 Vehicle or Polaris ACE 150
  2. Aftermarket Cages & Suspension Are Allowed
  3. Driver Must Be At Least 5 Years Old & No Older Than 12 Years Old
  4. Polaris RZR 170cc Engine (MAX) or ACE 150 Must Be Used. NO MODIFICATIONS
  5. Aftermarket or Re-flashed ECUs NOT ALLOWED
  6. Intake, Exhaust & Fuel Programmer Allowed
  7. Driver Window Net Or Wrist Restraints Required
  8. If Racing w/ A Passenger, A Passenger Net Or Wrist Restraint Also Required.
  9. 5-Point Seat Belts Required For Each Occupant
  10. All Occupants Must Wear Helmet, Eye Protection, Fire Suit Is Required
  11. Approved Head & Neck Restraints ARE Required
  12. Race Numbers On Both Sides Of Vehicle & The Rear Of The Vehicle. White Background w/ Black Numbers. Minimum 6” tall. (Refer To BITD Entry Form For # Assignment)
  13. Aftermarket Roll Cage Is Recommended
  14. Pump Gas w/ MAXIMUM RATING of 91 Octane Must Be Used (FUEL TO BE CHECKED IN POST TECH)
  15. Roof Panel REQUIRED
  16. $25.00 Cash Only Tech Fee Due At Time Of Inspection
  17. MINIMUM WEIGHT 700lbs

Short Course Unlimited Youth 250cc (RZR 170) Class Requirements
  1. Polaris RZR 170 Vehicle or SIMILAR
  2. Aftermarket Roll Cage w/ Door Panels & A Roof Panel Is Required
  3. Driver Must Be At Least 5 Years Old & No Older Than 12 Years Old
  4. Engine up to 250cc, must match make & model of vehicle (No engine swaps)
  5. Engine & Performance Mods ARE ALLOWED
  6. Race Fuel Is Allowed
  7. Driver Window Net Or Wrist Restraints Required
  8. If Racing w/ A Passenger, A Passenger Net Or Wrist Restraint Also Required.
  9. 5-Point Seat Belts Required For Each Occupant
  10. All Occupants Must Wear Helmet, Eye Protection, Fire Suit Is Required
  11. Approved Head & Neck Restraints ARE Required
  12. Race Numbers On Both Sides Of Vehicle & The Rear Of The Vehicle. Black Background w/ White Numbers. Minimum 6” tall. (Refer To BITD Entry Form For # Assignment)
  13. Aftermarket Suspension Allowed
  14. One 2.5lb Fire Extinguisher Mounted On UTV w/ Quick Release.
  15. $25.00 Cash Only Tech Fee Due At Time Of Inspection

Rules Infractions & Protest

– If a racer does not meet all outlined requirements, he/she will not pass tech and not be allowed to race. All requirements must be met prior to the closing of Technical Inspection.
– Post race technical inspection is left up to the discretion of the race director and / or tech director.
– Top 3 in Short Course UTV 170 (stock) class will be post tech inspected
– To file a formal protest either prior to or following the race, the driver must report to the race director and / or tech director no less than 1 hour before the race starts and no more than 30 minutes following that particular classes race.
– You will be asked to fill out a formal protest form and you will be required to put up a $500 cash protest fee. Should the driver in question be found to have not violated any rules, that driver will claim the $500 protest fee. Should the driver in question be found to have violated any rules, the driver will be disqualified from the event and the driver who protested will get their $500 fee returned.
– Should you be found guilty of cheating it is up to the organizers and race director to decide if you will be invited back to compete at the UTV World Championship, so PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT!
– Thursday Pre-Tech Inspection by Appointment ONLY – Contact Cory Sappington to reserve time slot.

– Please contact UTVWC Technical Director Cory Sappington with any additional rules or technical questions: deserttoyz@hotmail.com 602-769-6164
– For all other questions please contact Joey DiGiovanni – joeyd@utvunderground.com
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The Rally Sportsman UTV can only race at 3 of the BITD races. Parker 250, UTV World Championships, and Laughlin Desert Classic. The Rally Sportsman class is designed for racers to participate in BITD without building a full race UTV.

NOTE: This is not a separate Sportsman class. The Rally Sportsman UTV class vehicles are built using production Turbo or NA UTV’s, manufactured by registered companies, i.e. Polaris, Can-Am, Textron, Yamaha, etc. that issues Vin #’s. Companies must produce a minimum number of 1000 units of that exact model and configuration prior to being allowed to participate in this class, at any Best In the Desert Sanctioned Event.
  • The idea of this class is to allow stock UTVs with modifications for safety to race allowing more racers to come try desert racing with a less expensive entry point.
  • No performance enhancements allowed other than safety, suspension, wheels and tires. Both Turbo and N/A UTVs are allowed.
  • If you have ever registered as a driver and entered into a Pro UTV Class at Best In The Desert then you are NOT eligible to compete in the UTV Rally Class.
  • This is a Sportsman class, it is on your honor to remain within the rules. You are not competing for points or championship, do not ruin the spirit of the class.
For specific questions call UTV tech steward Cory Sappington.
Cell: 602-769-6164

  1. Manufacturer’s body, engine, transmission, drivetrain, chassis combination and seat configuration must be retained.
  2. Factory OEM Engine, Transmission & ECU must be in stock configuration that is sold with that specific model year.
  3. No aftermarket ECU’s or “piggyback” programmers allowed.
  4. Factory OEM Fuel Cell Allowed
  5. No billet replacement or aftermarket clutch components allowed except for weights, springs, & belts
  6. No aftermarket brakes allowed.
  7. Max wheel base length of 135” and width of 77”
  8. All suspension & shock pivot points must remain in factory location
  9. Maximum tire size is 32×10.5×15. Tire must have manufacture size on tire and say 32”. No multiple tires per corner permitted
  10. Approved 6-Point aftermarket roll cage required. (No stock roll cages allowed / refer to tech director for approval) (Exception to rule for Polaris RZR RS1 Vehicles)
  11. Front and rear bumpers are required
  12. Aluminum / Metal Roof Panel Required
  13. 5-Point Seat Belts required. 2” or 3” Wide Belts OK, 3” Preferred
  14. Side Panels or Doors required (Opening doors must be secured by secondary mechanism to prevent from popping open and remain pinned closed)
  15. Window nets or wrist restraints required.
  16. One 2.5lb Fire Extinguisher Mounted On UTV w/ Quick Release required.
  17. Numbers On Both Sides Of Vehicle Required. (Minimum 8” Tall Numbers, Yellow Background w/ Black Numbers (Refer To BITD Entry Form For # Assignment)
  18. Two 10lb or one 20lb Fire Extinguisher In Your Pit. (Must Be Near Vehicle During Fueling).
  19. Fuel Mat Required when fueling at a Pit Stop.
  20. All Class Racers & Teams MUST Adhear to BITD Fueling Procedures & Safety Items for Crew.
  21. KC Hilites spec blue strobe light Rear facing, is required and must be wired to the key switch. This light must be mounted as high up on the cage as possible. You must purchase this light directly from KC Hilites. Call 928-635-2607 to buy this light. (For BITD Racing Events Only)
  22. Approved nerf bars & door bars required (For Rally Racing Events Only)
All racers must have the following:
  • Approved Head & Neck Restraint device required.
  • One Piece Fire-Suit Required SFI.A1 (SFI.A5 2018 will be required)
  • Helmet w/ DOT or Snell Decal
  • All Eye Protection Must Be Shatter Resistant.
  • Gloves & Shoes recommended
For full set of rules go to: bitd.com

For specific questions call UTV tech steward Cory Sappington.
Cell: 602-769-6164
Email: deserttoyz@hotmail.com

The Polaris RZR UTV World Championship Powered by Monster Energy Returns To Laughlin, NV April 5th, 2018. Come bring your family and friends to race, spectate, shop, and party at the UTV World Championship!

For more information on the 2018 UTV World Championship and the new Stock Rally UTV class visit: www.utvworldchampionship.com
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Riverside Resort & Casino named Official Host Hotel for the 2018 Polaris RZR UTV World Championship!
Tech & Contingency to be Held at Riverside Resort & Casino

March 15, 2018 – San Diego, CA – UTVUnderground.com announced today that Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort & Casino has signed on as Official Host Hotel for the FOURTH annual Polaris RZR UTV World Championship Powered by Monster Energy taking place in Laughlin, Nevada April 5th – 7h, 2018. Racers, teams, fans and sponsors can book their rooms now using the discount code “C/UTVWC8”, by calling (800) 227-3849.


This exciting event will feature THREE world championship UTV races, including a Best In The Desert Championship points race and a short course UTV Championship race. A youth RZR 170 championship race is also planned for the fourth year in a row! In addition to the growing prize purses and contingency cash, Polaris RZR will be awarding the winner of both Championship races a brand new Polaris RZR XP Turbo with winners in the Youth Championship races each receiving NEW RZR 170s. More prizes will be announced as the race weekend draws near.

“Riverside Resort & Casino is once again our host hotel partner for the 2018 UTV World Championship. They are able to accommodate the massive space we need in order to continue to expand our event, and they offer the best amenities in Laughlin. The Laughlin family has been supporters of off-road racing for decades and Matt Laughlin, Assistant General Manager of The Riverside Resort & Casino, is a racer himself. The Riverside Resort & Casino is perfectly placed at the gateway to Laughlin, NV right on the banks of the Colorado River on South Casino Drive. Our entire staff will be staying there and most of our events will be there as well,” stated UTV World Championship CEO, Matt Martelli.

“We’re going all in with Riverside Resort & Casino for our second year in a row. With the space to accommodate additional vendors and festivities, Tech & Contingency will take place out front of the casino in their massive parking lot once again, while both drivers registration and the drivers meeting will be held inside Don’s Celebrity Theatre. We are pumped to be bringing the Polaris RZR UTV World Championship back to downtown Laughlin with Riverside Resort & Casino!” stated UTVUnderground.com CEO/Founder Joey DiGiovanni.

Riverside Resort & Casino offers newly renovated rooms from standard to executive rooms, plus a variety of restaurants, entertainment, and full family oriented amenities including Riverside Lanes Bowling Alley, Kid Kastle, laser tag, Classic Car Museum, two arcades and Riverside Cinemas Movie Theater to give families plenty to do. Riverside Resort & Casino also offers over one hundred thousand square feet of gaming excitement on their feature slot machines, table games and live action poker tables.

The three-day UTV World Championship event format will feature two days of racing and trackside events, contingency and tech in downtown Laughlin, and more. The UTV World Championship is part of the Best in The Desert (BITD) Off-Road Racing Association and will be marketed, produced, and televised by media heavyweights, Mad Media. The format brings together UTV desert racing, UTV short-course racing, and enthusiast rides into one massive multi-day event on the edge of the Colorado River in Laughlin, Nevada. The event has quickly become an important showcase for UTV manufacturers and aftermarket manufacturing companies to display and sell their products. Enthusiasts and racers will be able to pre-run the racecourse in stock UTVs during the “UTV World Championship Family Fun Poker Run”.

To book a hotel room for the UTV World Championship call (800)227-3849 and use the UTV World Championship group discount “C/UTVWC8”!


The UTV World Championship has become the go-to event for companies looking to represent their products in front of the industries best racers, teams, fans and UTV enthusiasts. In place for 2018 is the return of the industries largest UTV Tech & Contingency – where hundreds of the sports best brands are able to showcase their products while mingling within the festive atmosphere.

The 2017 UTV World Championship will be the biggest and best UTV World Championship to date.

For more information on the 2017 dates visit: www.utvworldchampionship.com

More Information: Management by: Racer / Competitor Information:
Mad Media / UTVUnderground.com BITD.com
Matt Martelli / Joshua Martelli / Joey DiGiovanni

Sponsorship Inquiries:
matt@madmedia.com or izzy@madmedia.com

The UTV World Championship
2554 Pahvant St.
Oceanside, CA 92054

Media Inquiries:
kilian@madmedia.com (760) 721-3600 Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

About The UTV World Championship
The UTV World Championship is the world’s biggest UTV race and takes place every year in beautiful Laughlin, Nevada. The UTV World Championship draws the best UTV racers in the world to battle in both short course and desert races to decide who is the best UTV racer on the planet! The race features an ultra exciting side-by-side land rush start and intense door to door racing all the way until the checkered flag. The UTV World Championship has the biggest TV, online, and school media coverage in the sport of UTV racing.

About Mad Media
Mad Media (www.madmedia.com) is a San Diego based marketing and creative agency, with in-house film and television production. We craft authentic, culturally engaging brand messages, and deliver them across print, web, photography, and film platforms. Mad Media has been leading the online content revolution since 1995 producing major commercial, television, online content and viral film projects such as The Gymkhana Series and XP1K Series. Owner of The Mint 400 off-road race and UTV World Championship off-road rac, Mad Media has pioneered marketing campaigns integrating events with print, online, social media, TV content and merchandise to create fully integrated brand experiences.

About UTVUnderground.com
The world’s fastest growing all inclusive UTV site contributed to by both enthusiasts and manufacturers alike. UTVUnderground is the go-to site for fresh, original content and is known for its dedication to hosting all of the latest news and insight surrounding the UTV industry. Thousands of monthly visitors from over 100 different countries around the world go to UTVUnderground.comfor their daily dose of UTV news and information.

So THANKS LUKE BRYAN! Laughlin screwed the pooch and they have to open the Needles highway earlier which is the highway we race over. So we had to adjust our race schedule a bit to compensate which means desert races will only be 9 laps instead of 10 (SORRY). Sucks but out of our hands...

Saturday * April 7, 2018
After 1st Race all Start Times Approximate depending on Number of Entries
5:30 AM – BITD Motorcycle/Quad Staging at Start Line (9 Laps)
6:00 AM – Start – MC/Q – (Finish Line cut-off 8:55 am)
8:30 AM – Short Course UTV Staging at Start Line (3 Laps)
9:00 AM – Start – Short Course Race – (Finish Line cut-off 10:00 am)
9:45 AM – Desert UTV Team Staging at Start Line – NA, Sportsman, RS1 (9 Laps)
10:15 AM – Start – 1 st Desert Race – (Finish Line cut-off 1:45 pm)
11:00 AM – MC Quad Awards Presentation – Finish Line – Ford Mesa
1:30 PM – Desert UTV Team Staging at Start Line – Turbo, Unlimited (9 Laps)
2:00 PM – Start – 2 nd Desert Race – (Finish Line cut-off 5:35 pm)
8:00 PM – UTV Awards Presentation – Harrah’s Laughlin, down by the river
9:30 PM – UTVWC After Party – Loser’s Lounge – Riverside Resort & Casino
Please Be On Time To All Scheduled Events!

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