2018 Eclipse Attitude 40' toy hauler (electrical or haunted)


New Member
When I turn on the light it comes on.. all power goes off and then returns on.
I went to Lucerne 3 weeks ago. turned the light on and when I went to put the slide out all the power went off and then back on again. SO OK....not cool. Day 2 the water pump is on...turned on the faucet and the water came on..then went off and came on then off and back on....OK...went to put the bunks up and they went up then stopped then up and stopped all the way to the top this went on. Later that day the interior lights started turning on themselves on and then off on then off and my hubby saw them doing the same outside of the trailer. I ran the generator for a lil while before going to bed. I turned off the genny and the lights started going on and off again. After about 30 min of this we decided to just run the generator all night instead of the dicso going all night.(light show). Well something shut the genny off. And again the light show was going ALL NIGHT LONG!!! on and off on and off inside and out. YEP we looked like the party rig in the dezert. day3 loading up to go home, went to pull the slides in and again, they started and stopped started and stopped the entire time until they were all the way in, along with the light show and the faucet on and off. Now..all appliances kept working the entire time. However my fridge sounded a bit louder than usual and it seemed to cycle a lot more often. I have a bus battery in this coach and solar is on it as well. The landing gear seems to be working very slowly as well. It is in the shop, BUT they have not got any answers for me as of now. HAS ANYONE HAD THIS EXPERIENCE? I have a warranty, BUT just want to get in fixed and get on with enjoying my trailer. I just want to fix what is wrong even if I got to pay for it and repair it myself. ANSWERS and a direction to go in would help. Thank yo for any advise.

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