2014 King Of The Hammers - YES there will be a UTV Race!

I asked Shannon @ Ultra4 to make sure UTVs are indeed qualifying like Dave told me. Still nothing on the website about it, and she knew nothing about it...

Straight from Dave's mouth a few days ago:

The course is released 1/31 ;)

We are having a drawing for EMC Stock, UTV Sportsman and Legends next week at 4WPW that will be broadcast live.

EMC Mod, Spec and UTV Pro are qualifying for start positions.
Qualifying is about as new as the rules. It was rumored 11 months ago, but not set in stone until recently.

Qualifying is great for us. Eliminates the randomness of class hopping, which Dave hated, and it makes us more spectator friendly. Both things help our class live on.
Qualifying is about as new as the rules. It was rumored 11 months ago, but not set in stone until recently.

Qualifying is great for us. Eliminates the randomness of class hopping, which Dave hated, and it makes us more spectator friendly. Both things help our class live on.
I have no problem with qualifying, I think that's great. But a schedule should be posted, so we can plan our time out there.
This unknown, rumor mill stuff doesn't do anyone good. Let's run a professional race and have fun, not have a guessing game.
How we roll at the hammers. Just another lazy Thursday night cruise....:D

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/h34eMSRiL10" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
does anyone have a aerial map of Johnson Valley that shows where all the different trails are?

http://files.heavymetalconcepts.com/JohnsonValley/HMC Johnson Valley 15x24 Mile Map.jpg

Couple rules questions that I am hoping some on here can help out with. I have an email into tech/Dave, but figured I'd post up here as well. I apologize if I missed these earlier in the thread.

1. The way the rules read an all metal firewall is needed behind the passengers. I noticed in earlier years rules though that stock plastic was acceptable for the UTV race and wasn't sure if it was overlooked this year. Anyone know what the requirement was last year? Since it isn't called out as an exception I assume the following below applies... All vehicles must have an all-metal firewall separating the occupants’ compartment from the danger of fire from the engine and fuel supply.
A minimum firewall must be liquid tight and extend from body side to body side. If engine is rear-mounted, firewall must be liquid tight and extend from the driver’s shoulder height to the vehicle floor and extend from body side to body side. If rear mounted fuel cell is higher than driver’s shoulder height, a firewall between the driver and the fuel cell must extend at least 2" above the top of the fuel cell.

2. While factory fuel tanks are acceptable they must still adhere to rules in section FUEL: PLUMBING, FILLING & VENTILATION. i.e. ball valves, check vavles, vents are neccessary additions correct?

I appreciate anyone who already been asking these questions filling the rest of us in.

Just listened to Ultra4 Racing Live tonight.

There will be Qualifying for Pro class. They announced the order, but it went too fast to write it down.

Sounds like the course will be about as hard as last year. Get your game on. And no complaining!!!
Hmm so qualify then tech?? Gonna be a busy day. Somewhere in there I need to do interviews with all you guys too.

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