Solid weekend in Glamis for Camp RZR. The planning, time and money that goes into putting Camp RZR together is insane and I hope no matter who you are, what you ride and where you are from that you can really appreciate what Polaris is doing to say thank you to not just their customers but to the off-road community for embracing them.
From the very first conversation I ever had with Polaris about Camp RZR, before it was even going to be Camp RZR, they made it clear, this idea was going to be founded upon rewarding our community for how they have embraced RZR and the entire Polaris brand. is very fortunate to have been able to work alongside Polaris in helping build Camp RZR. The fact that we are in there as prominant as we are, putting on the Show & Shine every year and simply being involved in so much of what Camp RZR is from producing the media to hosting the group ride, words cannot describe how honored we are to get to share in saying thank you.
#1 for us is we get to be out there in the desert with all of our friends, family and community. Glamis is our back yard, its what we do with or without Camp RZR. If I didn't have UTVUG as a job I would still be in the dunes, still be playing with my toys and still enjoying our lifestyle. So to get to see all of you, hang out, shake some hands, give out some swag and roost some dunes, that to me is what makes my crazy travel schedule and time away from family all worth it! Weekends like these, events like these are what I live for!
So THANK YOU to everyone at Polaris, you guys are pushing this sport harder than anyone, and when I say sport I am not pigeon-holing you into just the UTV market, I mean the entire sport of Off-Road! From sponsorships in racing to charity work to product development to events like Camp RZR, you guys are setting the standard right now for how all companies should act towards their industry and customers.
Thank you to Six Speed, the team behind Polaris executing Camp RZR. Tom, Andi, A-Train, Jane, etc.. you all are machines! Love what you guys do for us and for Polaris! #SoGrip!
Thank you to you! The members of Our forum is not this big gaudy relentless line of regurgitated shit. Our forum is the best of the best, and I really feel that way. You come to because you found a forum where the best companies, builders, racers and enthusiasts interact. The respect level remains high, the content remains the best on the web and the information and quality of posts are simply the best for a nondenominational forum. We started as a forum, moved into being a content driven portal for UTV news and information and have now morphed again into becoming an industry brand. I can't tell you how proud I am to be a part of this site and it wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for all of you! You guys make it!
It was a solid weekend, best Camp RZR Glamis event yet and I made some of the greatest memories ever! We had a camp with about 40 rigs in it. Everyone from Menzies to RJ Anderson to Jagged X circled up burning food, meat and drinking up the good times! The topper for me, besides spending time riding with my family, was leading the group ride. I don't know how many people were on this ride but to have our Helicopter above our head and switching back to see a row of UTVs for what seemed like a mile or more behind me was spectacular. Its something I won't ever forget.
Lastly I will end my rant by saying thank you to my crew. Rusty, Jake, my wife and kids and of course our entire Mad Media posse who is running around from sunrise to sunset to capture everything on film so that you all can enjoy it for life! These guys are really what is allowing our little site here to blow up. I play my role doing what I am good at and thats talking till my vocal chords hurt, no lie, but these guys and girls are what really is keeping our site moving at the pace we set back in 2009. We don't miss events or races. We don't skip out on much of anything unless we have too. This makes for a lot of travel, a lot of sacrifice and a lot of hard work. But in the end its paying off. It takes a team to do what we do, and we have the best team in this sport right now working to not only create the best UTV content on the web but to create content that continues to PUSH our entire sport forward and into new areas.
I can't wait for next year!!
Joey D.