Well-Known Member
It was a small shindig called the Rosarito 200. Actually, it was 4-30 mile loops. No one but locals. It was more an atv course. Rocky and rough. Someone accurately posted it was like a mix between Mike's and the summit (baja lingo)! Only about 25 entrants in the 4 wheeled vehicle category. Mostly 11's, 5/1600, and 1/2-1600's. 4 utes total.Well i am glad you have a sense of humor! Beer slushies at the finish of V2R!
What happened at the Rosarito race last weekend?? And what race was it?
Exploded our STM clutch midway through lap 3. Replaced it, and broke something inside our electric power steering unit that caused the steering to lock up.
Learned a bit more about our ute, and are making adjustment for the V2R.
AND YES! Beer slushies are always a good thing!! I should be out of hiding by then.