2012 Winner of KOTM Cheated!!

I will not go back to the King of the Mountain Brimstone after this happened!
I called on the radio and talked to 5 officals and told them I had the winner on go pro cheating and they did nothing. So see for youself.
[ame="http://youtu.be/i_cQjcOpllw"]302 Found[/ame]
Look at it this way he's got to pay taxes on it and you don't!
o snap he's a cheater so he won't be paying taxes either.:eek:
Damn man it even sux's worse now!!
Cheating at Brimstone King of the Mountian
<HR>If you follow the video, what is happening is the race starts, runs a ridge on top, then takes a left, goes for a little while, then takes another left making a u. Watch the video as a rzr #21 comes out of the woods and waits as the rzr passes. I could believe that this is a honest mistake, but there is no trail there, he had to go straight through the woods to avoid the 4 other rzr's and dust in front of him. The rule is no more that 15 feet. The Brimstone staff was told on the first lap that he was cheating and they said they could do nothing without proof. They was told several more times. Then after the race, they were told of the video as proof, but there laptop had just went down. The title sponsor of the race was Tony's Toys and the winning racer had a Tony's Toys plaquard on the radiator grill. I hate cheating, and especially when it involves $. The funny thing is that the brimstone staff had thrown out several racers for very small infractions on cutting the coarse, but did nothing here.
I was there and was in the pits we told them that the 21 was cheating and no one did nothing nobody should race this race because the officals did nothing so what is going to stop them next year we had 6 cars there and won't be back it's kind of sad because it good be a good event if it was ran right

Next job mike enjoy the money idiot
Easiest way to handle this kind of situation is Put him in trees next time.if I was racing and seen it happen I would only need to catch him once to give him a tap that would end his day.I have done it before to people who try and block I only give one chance then it's move over or I will move you.
I don't know who is worse the cheater or the officials that didn't do anything about it. If you think about it, this was really flat out stealing $2000 from the winner, which is really disappointing considering the time and effort going to race like this.

I wonder if pouring some sugar in the gas tank would be considered cheating. According to the officials at that race, only if they have proof and even then they tend to look the other way.

There will always be a cheater and it takes the fun out of racing if you put in the work only to have a cheater take a undeserved win.

If you have a email of the sponsor we can all send in our opinion.

Bryan :cool:
Just did a snap shot from your video and he is clearly just coming out of the woods.

You know, Brian, the funny thing is that we have sent the unedited version of the video to the brimstone crew and they can't see him. Odd isn't it?
Thats to bad. How-ever we see this all the time in just about every-type of sport there is.

The officials can ruin or fix any race, game or fight from what we have all seen to many times.

I do not think it is done intentionally...They are human an make mistakes.

When there is money involved does make one wonder if it is fixed.

May-be they will add instant replay before making the call.
Well that sucks! This is pretty good timing because the Wind Rock Wide Open is coming up in about a month at Wind Rock Fall Jamboree. I know that at least half of that field will be racing in the WRWO. I would spread the news to the folks running the Wind Rock Wide open and make sure they know that they may have a system for controling this at their race. I am sure that there will be many of the same racers at that race.
I have been racing for years, and understand that some people are going to cheat, but the worst thing is the "do nothing" attitude taken by brimstone. Take for example, somebody at one of the bitd races cheated and was caught on film, do you think they would do absoultly nothing? I don't think so.
Hate to say it, but a nice letter from a lawyer threatening to sue to recoup entry fees might do the trick...get a group of those who raced to sign the letter and call it fraud. Just a thought...

Cheaters never "win", but come in first.

from my awesome HTC on Verizon

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