Seems strange that the guy who ran KOH (Jeff) that was so against any rules for the race is now behind adopting multiple classes for the race.
I have no part in the KOH race what so ever. I like the race, I think its cool. I am part of the ISA, but because of my past relationship with this event I am not involved. If I can offer suggestions on how to make it better I will gladly do that. Hence the reason for the Post on Pirate.
BUT since you called me out I will offer my OPINION.
I field more calls on the subject of KOH then anyone last year in regards to the UTV race. I heard peoples concerns, i heard from Sponsors, I heard from spectators. Here are some bullet points
The KOH UTV race has lost money every year. The entire UTV industry is a fractured mess with no standards. To put it mildly its Anarchy, the wild west, and WW2 all wrapped together. Rules where a mess last year with no UTV sanction to look to for guidance. (Its still a mess, and we now have a sanction people are pissed about.)
I am not speaking for Hammerking, but from experience its a hell of a lot easier to use a set of rules provided by a sanction than attempt to draft your own when you have what hammerking has on its plate. Think about what goes into that event, its massive.
Face the facts. The UTV race is a side show, only the demand will take it from anything less. People are there to see the King of the hammers.
Classes. I wanted to keep it as simple for me as possible when I was event director. One class no rules simple. No investment no return but UTV guys get to come play.
If there are classes more people get to win, but its more work. Someone has to do that work. the ISA has done the work. The rules now allow for classes. Great, now some one has to tech the cars. Mike Lasher is committed to improving the sport, he has worked out a partnership with Hammerking to help improve the UTV race.
People don't want to race against guys they think they can't beat. that is painfully obvious. It appears that classes will increase the car count.
Increase the car count, increase the VALUE of the race.
Increase the Value and it moves from side show to feature.
Seems simple to me.
Jeff Knoll will be enjoying his trip to the Hammers in 2012, not working.
I suggest you guys get in line to kiss Mike Lasher's a$$ because I am guessing the only reason that the UTV race is going to continue is because he took the bull by the horns and offered to make it happen. I would not have been so inclined, and told him he will be heart broken by his effort.( I would not have done it period!)
Don't make assumptions Crowdog on what I am for or against, unless you are talking about money. Rest assured I am for making it, and against losing it.