2011 King Of The Hammers UTV Race Info **UPDATED w/ Pics**

well we can help you at the race, if you get the car there and need help finishing it up. last year we were literally working on our car to finish it the morning of the race , had to run across the desert in my long johns to get my fire suit on , gotta say it was totally worth, it was the best five miles of racing ever :-) really hope you make it , much luck to you
Hope you get it ready Brett, as the course is really a lot of fun. If not we will be happy to have your help. Just need a few check points covered to make sure no one cheated. Would be cool for people to radio in information to the main camp as well.


My volunteers are waiting to hear something from you but I'm guessing you are so swamped that you may not get to them before the event? I believe they are already committed so I'll fill them in a little and we can assign duties when they arrive at HammerTown.

I have one base unit radio I can donate for their use for sure. I just need to double check frequencies to make sure I have the one you are going to use.
I cant wait for this!!!

Jeff can we get a frequency for the KOH staff that myself and vomunteers cna program into our radios?
Info on the KOH Challenge Contest Wednesday night...

King of the Hammers Challenge: Best Prepared Trail Rig: Apply Now

Landuse and Access will be have two featured activities at the 2011 Griffin King of the Hammers. Please share the info with anyone who might be attending KOH.
Thanks, Del Albright

King of the Hammers Team Challenge – Best Prepared Trail Rig
Applications Due by Tuesday Feb. 8th - OPEN to KOH Participants and Spectators

EVENT: Wednesday Feb. 9th 6pm, Main Stage Hammer Town.
HOSTED by Del Albright, BlueRibbon Coalition Ambassador; Cal4 EA Coordinator; Access Army Grand Poobah

5 teams (at least) will be selected to participate. 4x4’s and Side-x-Side (UTV) rigs. Any team of up to four (4) folks can compete. It’s all for fun and a little fame, with a cool trophy from Raceline Wheels for the winning team. Also, several businesses have stepped up to provide swag, goodies, and freebies to participants and the audience.

HOW it WORKS: Put together a Team of your friends or club members who can be at the event on Wednesday Feb. 8th in time to compete at 6pm. This is a treasure hunt for goodies used on a trail ride. No driving necessary. Rigs will be parked.

Team Challenge Details:
Wednesday night Feb. 8th at 6pm, Main Stage, Hammer Town.
It will be a TEAM challenge and not just a CLUB challenge. However clubs can be a team. 4 folks max per rig; best prepared trail type rig; treasure hunt of things IN and ON the vehicle. Good lookin' chicks for judges (and a few old guys). In front of the crowd.

LUCKY PARTICIPANTS WILL BE DRAWN (and notified) Tuesday night Feb. 8th during the Land Use Workshop hosted by Del Albright.
Team Challenge participants will be posted in the KOH main booth.
Team Challenge rigs must be near the stage by 5:30pm, Wed. Feb. 9th, and checked in with John Stewart, Cal4 Resource Consultant.

Ok, there have to be rules, so here they are:
No trailers; items must be in or on the vehicle the whole time. You have to dig for everything.
All participants must be in a safe condition to play the game.
Fastest time to the judges with the proper item AS described by the emcee; it’s important to retrieve exactly what is called out.
No dangerous things like large metal objects or spare tires will be asked for. Safety briefing will precede Challenge.
Non-street legal as well as street legal rigs are ok, INCLUDING UTV’s (sidexside).

How to APPLY:
Apply online/email by sending the following information to del@delalbright.com; or bring the info filled out hard copy to KOH and hand it in at the KOH Merchandise Booth, or to the Raceline Wheels booth, or bring it to the Land Use Seminar Tuesday. All applications must be in before the Land Use Seminar Tuesday night, 6pm – that is when we’ll draw the participants.

Please provide the following information (don’t worry if you don’t have your whole team assembled until you get there; we can add their names then).
RIG: (year, make model, type)
TEAM NAME: (make one up if you don’t have one yet).
BRIEFLY Describe what Team Members have done for landuse and access efforts:
Describe why your team should be selected:

Email Del for any more information or questions: del@delalbright.com
More about King of the Hammers at http://www.ultra4racing.com/
Just to help people get motivated a bit more, here's some pics from the first year's KOH UTV race:















Good luck to everyone this year...it's one hell of a race, to say the least.

also for my previous post , i did talk to Brandon at jagged today and he said they plan on being there but have not decided if they are gonna race.
Sorry for not getting back to PM's on Pirate, but I don't post often over there and My PM box would take a month to answer so I have to ignore it right now. Emails I can do..... Pms on multiple message boards not so much.:D knoll1706@yahoo.com

I will brief Reid on the Course needs when we are out marking it late next week.

4-5 check points are needed. at the check point you need a pen, a watch, and a pad of paper. If you have a radio that is even better.

I want to be really clear on this next item.
In the pictures It looks like Casey is receiveing outside assitance. In 2009 we did not promote the race. The rules where set by sidexside superjam. I don't believe it was against the rules back than, It is now.

You can not get outside assitance what so ever. The driver and the Co driver have to do all the work. The BLM will require us to disqualify you if a spectator touches your race car. In an area like that there will be a boundry that spectators can not cross, if they do we have problems. We are not under a microscope with UTV's like we are with the Ultra4's, but please lets not even let the BLM think they need to go down the same road.

Its a really fun race, I hope we can keep it that way, because I can tell you the UTV guys and gals want nothing to do with the rules we have for U4s.;)

We are closing the Course down to the U4 guys on Thursday so the UTVs don't have to worry about pre runners, but specators are going to all over the trails all week. I can't do to much about them. We should not have too much trouble at 8 in the morning on a Thursday as every one there should know the course.

If you want to come out and play early we start marking the course a week from this Friday, and its a great way to see the desert in your UTV. I will be living in Hammertown from Jan 26th until about Feb 18th. Stop onto the lakebed and say hello.

Radio fequencies, almost forgot

We have a private freq we use that I don't make public as it would sound like the weatherman at the 1000.

We have multiple freq we use that we make public.
The weatherman
BFG Relay

Weatherman is our recovery channel so if you want to listen to recovery efforts that will work.

We will let you guys racing know what the frequency will be for the UTV race onsite.
PCI, and Rugged race radio will be onsite at KOH.
Question from a newbie, that's not able to attend...is or will there be a video available to buy, or are we able to watch it live on the internet...I want to see what you are all about south of us in Oregon...

Thanks Barbara
Nice pic...love the droop that thing has or might look slightly more than normal due to your angled rocker panels. How's the foot room inside that thing with the angled rockers Jon?


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