100MPH Yamaha YXZ1000R Dyno Pull - Alba Performance

And that's with 26" tires. Should be able to do 100 accross the dry lake beds with the right amount of HP. No belt to get too hot either.

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we gained 6mph top speed on an arctic cat wildcat by removing the front parachute front fenders. which this yammie shares the same front fenders (or a nearly exact copy)

we have hit 100mph on the dyno with various machines over the past few years. having the HP and clutch throw ratio to actually hit 100mph on the dyno is an amazing feat. makes you feel awesome. but when you put the machine on asphalt and add the aerodynamics to the equation, you'll see that wind resistance plays a huge role in how fast these machines will go. most SxS have the gear ratio now to run well into the 90s easily but very very few actually have the power to actually pull past 80 when you add wind resistance to the equation.

i have been in a SxS doing 95mph and with an open face helmet you cant hold your lips shut or your cheeks still. they flap around at 95mph and your face burns. parachute front fenders will hold you back like an anchor in the ground. i am excited to see what this thing will do. i see on asphalt tests, the drivers shifting into 5th gear around 70-73mph. that means 5th gear is geared WAY tall. BUT it takes a ton of power to pull a super high gear ratio. when this machine is cranking out 200 NA hp you may be able to pull that kinda gearing but as it sits stock i think it will peter out around 85-88mph.
Guys, we are just trying to show that we have been able to raise the limiters in the ecu... don't be so quick to be negative, lol. But I will laugh my ass off when this thing does do a 100mph...

Alba Racing
Don't really care what others think....that's pretty bad ass Nate! All kinds of haters on the Yamaha's!
no doubt its awesome to already have the ECU cracked before anyone in the US even has one and already able to make power out of it. very cool to have the opportunity to have machines before anyone else has even seen one. and be able to have one like this you can make some significant gains out of this quickly.
My DSR1 did 105mph in the dirt and I am 100% posative that if we can do it with aftermarket enginering, then a factory built SR1 will get there for sure. I agree with the aerodynamics but I have been there done that so I am a believer. Good job eliminating the Rev limiters. Yamaha is back!
Nate, you want to wick ours up when we are done doing the suspension on this thing. We have been testing for a week. Couple more weeks to go before we are happy. Great video, sounds great.

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