Recent content by justinsrex

  1. J Can-AM MAVERICK 1000R

    I seriously doubt it. Maybe $1 so that they can legally hand it over. And all the upgrades, I doubt those too. It's called "sponsorship". Do you see how many vehicles are in the "stable"? No way all that is paid for by one person.
  2. J Can-AM MAVERICK 1000R

    Don't forget, this machine is going to be used to make money so don't expect it to stay stock. None of them do. It would be nice to see it stay stock rather than run it to a site sponsor for immediate upgrades. Compare it to the other vehicles that you have been given by other manufactures...
  3. J

    Huge RZR XP jump vid in Glamis

    I'm with Tatum...How is this video any proof that the XP didn't break? That the machine is tough? Before you can see the outcome the video ends. I would be very impressed with any car not breaking after a hit like that.
  4. J

    Kawasaki well its time to get some action

    I completely agree.... The Muzzy Pros have to be installed correctly or they will sit too low. It may appear that its all "tight" but it isn't. Mine sat too low also but I was aware enough to notice it wasn't correct and removed the exhaust and made the necessary adjustments to get it to sit...
  5. J

    put led tail lights

    The use of a relay is not necessary when using LED tail/brake lights on a SxS.
  6. J


    Really appreciate that!! No bad deals at that kinda discount. I'm going to be greedy now but do you have friends that work at polaris, kawasaki, ford, chevy, oakley, sears???? cause I could really use 40% at those places!! :D
  7. J

    Polaris Jagged X's NEW Polaris RZR XP900 Replacement Suspension Kit!

    It's been some time since we heard about this kit, how about some pictures of it installed and any word on the extended kit?
  8. J

    WTB 14" Convex Mirror

    Yeah, def didn't realize that! Thanks Joey!
  9. J

    WTB 14" Convex Mirror

    ORW x2. Looks just like the one from your link.
  10. J

    Safety help!

    It's never a bad idea to be trained in first aid/CPR. Reach (helicopter) has a membership program, and I am sure other companies might, that cost very little for an annual membership and will cover you $$$ financial wise if you were to ever need to be air lifted. Spot tracker is def nice...
  11. J

    Polaris HOLZ RZR-XP 900 BITD Build

    As lite as possible!! HAHAHA:D
  12. J

    911 10 YEARS LATER

    DD, why not fly it 365....
  13. J

    Yamaha Which engine to swap?!

    Teryx motor and 916 or 999 bbk!!
  14. J

    Pit Bull PULLER Tires??? You got to see these!

    haha true! but they are some knarly looking tires.

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