Your voice is needed now! You CAN help save our deserts! SO-3310


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Hey everyone! Hope you guys can take some time to help ensure years later your kids have the same land rights that you enjoy today!

Secretarial Order 3310, Wild Lands.

On December 23rd. of 2010, Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar released an order directing the BLM to institute a program to identify and protect what he referred to as lands with "Wilderness Characteristics". Essentially, no matter what the Secretary calls it, this process is to close roads, close access to public lands, and create lands which are being managed as Wilderness without due political process of our elected politicians. The lawfully passed Wilderness Act requires that areas proposed for Wilderness classification be approved by the House of Representatives, the Senate, and then finally, the approval of the President. This Secretarial order is designed to bypass this due process of law. It is a dream come true for extremist environmentalists wishing to deny the general public their rightful access to public lands. It is a nightmare for citizens who use motor vehicles in the back country of BLM lands. It discriminates against the handicapped, older people less able to hike the distances needed to visit our public lands, rock hounds, even campers who love to travel to remote locations and just hang out with friends and family.

On March 1st the House Resource Committee will be discussing this Wild Lands issue. Use the link below to find your House Representative and call them. The meeting is on next Tuesday, start calling them Monday morning! Tell them NO to Wild Lands, tell them you're tired of being controlled by laws that you didn't have any say in making.

Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

This is your chance to make a real difference and have your voice heard!!

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