some of you guys act like the unlimited class even gets any attention? i have seen postings in like 8 places where the winners and break down of everyone ended up in the PRO class at the race this last weekend. i have yet to see a single report, or list of the entires or finishers in the unlimited class. not one post anywhere. even here on UTVunderground, joey posted the winners and a full write up on the winners and how the BITD race went, but not a single word on the finishing results of the unlimited class. there were pictures in his write up of unlimited cars, but nothing about them.
i dont want to take anything away from the guys that run the unlimited class, there are some that we help, and i give them just as much respect as i do anyone else. but the truth is, and its clearly obvious, that the unlimited class is overlooked and almost forgotten about. Lacrecia wins, and has had multiple wins in the class this season, but its gone almost completely overlooked. other than her own race reports, there hasnt been anything said about it, her wins, or the class in general. all the focus is on the PRO class. rightfully so, thats where all the money and sponsorships go. but there are many privateers in this class, who cant afford an $80.000 build once or maybe even twice a year (including the cost of the car) these privateers cant chase a series thats going to be completely ruled by turbos. all the big teams will end up with a turbo, and be racing a race thats minutes/hours ahead of pace from what any other N/A car can possibly run. No doubt cognito makes their presence known by winning a race, that was clearly destined to be dominated by Turbo builds. IF the turbo cars hadnt had problems and break-downs, dont matter how hard you push the N/A car, they wouldnt have caught up. it is going to be a lop sided race ever race next year. a privateer who doesnt have the money to replace the trans, and driveline before every race, and have the ability to spend $4,000 for special bearings to put in the trans to make them live, wont be able to hang onto any sort of a glimmer of hope to ever win a race. there just clearly isnt a way for the privateer to ever be seen in a race like this. david and goliath comes to mind, i am sure you all know the analogy.
my thoughts are to have a turbo class, and N/A class, and the unlimited class. tons of sponsors and machines in the N/A class and turbo class alike. tons of N/A cars lined up in every race in the N/A class, because there are so many folks that want to race and have a good time, and possibly win against the big names of racing. If there were two classes, i am sure the likes of JX and Cognito would possibly entertain having an N/A car and a turbo car in the race each weekend. promoting each line of products and show casing their builds. two cars on the track, both in potential for a championship, twice the normal publicity from running one car in the current PRO class. guys like johnny with both cars now, could hire a driver and have a car in the Turbo class and a car in the N/A class, both chasing points, and showcasing their builds ability. Twice the publicity, potential for two championships for one team. two classes that will get the fame and notariety. you are racing current year model machines that are being sold at the dealerships now. polaris and can-am both have N/A and Turbo cars for sale, and looks to continue to have these models available. so polaris and can-am both would likely continue with their support for each class, and offer contingency for both classes. it just seems more realistically feasible to be able to have these two classes split than some are making it seem.
yes you will have the hard charging privateers like carver that wants to race against the big boys and turbos. give anyone the option to race up a class. if an N/A wants to race up a class and race against the Turbos, let them run. but they cant go back to N/A class and remain in points.
Turbo class - policed by simple rules, stock components, stock turbo, stock injectors, must maintain factory drivetrain ect just like current rules. reflashes can only do so much with stock turbo and stock injectors so reflashes are ok.
N/A class - just like they are now. motor builds are ok, as long as it meets bore and stroke requirements, reflashes are ok, ect. pretty much identical to how it is now.
Unlimited class- just as it is now, run what you brung and hope you make it to the finish line.
i believe polaris and can-am and the soon to be built yamaha program and arctic cat programs would all be able to follow these rules and fall into their respective categories. with a class setup like this, you still maintain your 3 classes you have now, and have TWO classes that the factory sponsorships will thrive in, since they sell N/A and Turbo models off the floor. the turbo class will be run by the big boys who want the latest and greatest builds, the N/A class will be the guys that have invested tons of time and money into their cars over the last year or two and dont want to throw away a $100,000+ investment. they can still race, and still chase championship points and actually have a shot at winning