What it actually takes to build a UTV for SCORE / BITD


New Member
This is just a brief overview of what you will actually need to put together a score legal race car. Of course you could probably do it a little cheaper but I chose all the parts that I feel are the best. Doing it with inferior products could be a waste as it is difficult just to finish a race. I built this in my garage with a buddy (sean) in about a month and a half. First rae was the 500 and got 5th of 11 and second race was the Vegas to Reno and we finished all 545 miles! There are also a lot of knick knacks I did not list including all of the spare parts you will need to race and finish. Hope this can offer some good insight and answer some questions.


Levi 1947
Brightside Racing

I applaud you on your break down but I think the $1500 in cage should be more like 6500 for the chassis. After all, it is your main safety concern. DOM may be legal but chromoly is most likely the best choice obviously...
I applaud you on your break down but I think the $1500 in cage should be more like 6500 for the chassis. After all, it is your main safety concern. DOM may be legal but chromoly is most likely the best choice obviously...

Haha... for sure. We pretty much cut it down to the two main frame rails and built from there. Everyone seems to think you can spend 5-10k doing a legit desert build so I was trying to error the cheapest side. Besides the fact once you actually get out there a few times it's back in the garage cutting things off to re-design fixing errors and making things better.
Also agree on the chromoly though we went with dom. Everything is gusseted to avoid any single weld failures and is all .120 wall which I believe is stronger then going 1 3/4 .095 wall.
Hell ya, Well done Levi ! I dig how you added the sponsors logos in the clip. Thanks for the props from the crew at Method race Wheels !

Divorse lawyer............ priceless

Get that video off here before my wife finds out how much this stuff really costs

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