Want to build a sr1 but


New Member
Whats the rules on racing sr1 motor options because i have an rc51 motor but want to race in the worcs series or lucas. If it has to be an r1 whats the best motor to buy thanks
Whats the rules on racing sr1 motor options because i have an rc51 motor but want to race in the worcs series or lucas. If it has to be an r1 whats the best motor to buy thanks

WORCS I believe is open, LOORRS is either R1 or ZX10 engines only, specific to the brand of car IE ZX10/Kawi, R1/Yami. As the rule book sits its 04-08 engines for the SR1 with 07/08 being the best as they make the most HP. If you're doing it to race WORCS or Dez then the year is not as important.

That said, I know where there is a Lucas legal SR1 already built thats forsale. Sells your's, buy it, and save yourself alot of time, contact Kenny at Black Rhino for more info. 619-561-5000

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i would check with WORCS but last i checked the rule book there is no class for sr1 cars just production classes unless they plan to add the ISA u2 and u4 classes next year.
WORCS has classes for street bike powered cars in the Unlimited class and the ISA did away with rule mandating reverse there by allowing street bike powered UTV's in Unlimited 2 or 4, the 4 thing would be a strech though but Id love to see one.

As for WORCS and ISA next year, I kind of got the feeling in the drivers meeting at Havasu that they (WORCS) may just stick with thier rule book (all 1 page of it-you had to be there) insted of going ISA....could be wrong but that was the impression I got.

X2 Doug. What Sean has going at WORCS is working. Working well. I hope he sticks with the rule book the way it is. We have good safe cars and great car counts.
Were you in the Unlimited Class? What made your car an unlimited? Did you have a different motor or something?

Rotax motor.. yea i lined up right next to you.. looked like you were the only one to finish!

my exhaust fell off first.. then I broke driverside rear axle and was trying to limp it in and then I broke pass rear axle and got stuck on a hill.. ohh well! I think I need smaller tires!

what was done to your XP to make you unlimited??
Rotax motor.. yea i lined up right next to you.. looked like you were the only one to finish!

my exhaust fell off first.. then I broke driverside rear axle and was trying to limp it in and then I broke pass rear axle and got stuck on a hill.. ohh well! I think I need smaller tires!

what was done to your XP to make you unlimited??

I had a K&T Performance turbo pushing about 10 Pounds of boost (130 HP). It is lightning fast. I have my shocks at Fox right now getting rebuilt. I rode half of that course on the bumpstops. My suspension needs some major attention. I should be all ready to go for the Speed World race. Will your rig be fixed up by then? I think I saw your exhaust at the top of the hill above the beach section.
oddly enough I got stuck on that hill right where my exhaust was!! haha good spot for me to break!

I wont be at speedworld.. Im on vacation with the family that week but I will be at the next round at race town for sure! see ya there..

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