UTVUnderground Presents: 2014 Mint 400 Highlight Video - Polaris Racing

W:eek:W! Awesome coverage, as always guys! I do understand the source of funding for the coverage, and therefore, the exclusivity of it. Makes me wonder how Polaris is going to address their dilemma when covering this years Baja 500 and 1000? I guess a 2nd place finish is worth bragging about ;)!
But one must admit, it kind of gives credibility to my rant last month about the Polaris guy's not even acknowledging us, dont you think?
So BRP, if you want to keep the leader in UTV sales in your cross hairs, now is the time to throw some more scratch in the game. If the main record of your racing successes come in the form of news print, it's going to be a tough sell! Yeah, I know. Things would be better if I'd just pipe down. I get that alot!:eek:
Very cool coverage Joey! That 1913's suspension looks dialed in for sure. :cool:

Gonna get more and more challenging to top that effort! :D
LOL ... Yea, if you didn't look at the last part of video with actual results... you'd think Polaris placed 1-10. lol I don't personally give 2 shits... but it's interesting the bias is pretty obvious.
LOL ... Yea, if you didn't look at the last part of video with actual results... you'd think Polaris placed 1-10. lol I don't personally give 2 shits... but it's interesting the bias is pretty obvious.

The bias is pretty obvious?? Maybe you missed the first 1min where it explains it was a Polaris Racing video?

Yea, ACTUALLY I DID !!! lol

Seriously.. I was just thinking it was UTV coverage of Mint 400.

I went back and reviewed... and when I look at video on my screen it only says: "UTVUndergound Presents: 2014 BITD Mint 400 - P ..." I tried to show screenshot but I can't upload it... if I hover my cursor over that title it finished is off with the "...Polaris Racing" though.

So, my bad... if Polaris is stepping up to pay for Video promoting their racing.. then it SHOULD be biased.

Good vid !
Very cool coverage Joey! That 1913's suspension looks dialed in for sure. :cool:

Gonna get more and more challenging to top that effort! :D
I'm amazed how well the 1913 handled the rollers. I noticed in contingency that it was sitting excessively high. I thought that, without much droop travel, it wouldn't handle that well. Was I wrong! It looks like they use a softer spring rate, which allows the additional inches of bump travel to absorb the heavy stuff. It also appears that the rebound dampening is lighter to allow the axles to fall back into the holes quicker. As a result, the car is using most of the available travel most of the time. A lot of vertical movement, but always level and smooth. I will definitely be spying :cool: on this car the next time i see it! Great job, and congrats to a podium on youir first time out.
The bias is pretty obvious?? Maybe you missed the first 1min where it explains it was a Polaris Racing video?
Ha ha! You need to make a default response for all of us guys who whine :( about you only showing the Polaris teams in the "Polaris" race recaps! The bias is crystal clear to me. Actually, I remember you enlightening me at Glamis last year, and that you'd be happy to do the same for Can-am or Arctic Cat, if they threw down the scratch as well. I'm still curious to see how this years Polaris-backed Baja 500 & 1000 recaps will play out! Out of curiosity, does UTVUG have the resources to make 2 separate, propoganda-based productions of the same race? If so, would it be a conflict of interest? Polaris Schlomaris:D!!
Someone could always start a media company and show everything but polaris, maybe call it Pissed Off Media. Lol It's a effin sweet vid though you would have your work cut out for you to top that..

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Great video and good to see my buddy Branden getting some air time! It would be foolish for Polaris to make a promotional video and promote other brands so Reid you should complain to Can Am.
Now Joey, get out there and cover the Unlimited UTV class! Lol.
I believe I did call Can-am out, in the last half of the post, and publicly I might add. As a matter of fact, the 2 Can-am engineers that came down to experience this years Mint race got their ears full of my thoughts. So much so, that I could swear they were avoiding me :confused: by the end of the race!! Those two French-Canadian guys were pretty tolerant though, I must admit :D!
I believe I did call Can-am out, in the last half of the post, and publicly I might add. As a matter of fact, the 2 Can-am engineers that came down to experience this years Mint race got their ears full of my thoughts. So much so, that I could swear they were avoiding me :confused: by the end of the race!! Those two French-Canadian guys were pretty tolerant though, I must admit :D!


Those 2 French Canadians... well. One was the head of Can Am racing..the other was an engineer.. They listen a lot, take a lot in- BRP is big into listening, taking in a lot of information- then acting on it. BRP is paying attention- I think Joey will be making more inroads at BRP and their marketing group/racing dept.. I hope to see Can Am do more with videos too. Its getting better all the time.

Those 2 French Canadians... well. One was the head of Can Am racing..the other was an engineer.. They listen a lot, take a lot in- BRP is big into listening, taking in a lot of information- then acting on it. BRP is paying attention- I think Joey will be making more inroads at BRP and their marketing group/racing dept.. I hope to see Can Am do more with videos too. Its getting better all the time
Thanks for the clarification. You should know me by now. I'm an equal opportunity basher!! Be it CEO or custodian, rest assured they'll hear it from me:D.
It's coming! We have been pretty busy. We got like 100 video projects in the hopper it feels like! lol

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