UTV Off-Road Nov. 2010 **FATROD Special**



New Issue Hits Newstands..Features UTVUG FatRod and Buyers Guide

I really want to thank Troy and Don at UTV Off-Road Magazine for allowing me to be such a huge part of the magazine this year. I have been fortunate enough to contribute atleast one article in each of the issues since Jan this year and I have so much fun doing them.

This issue not only features the article Troy did on my personal vehicle the FatRod, but it also features an article I wrote on the 2011 Arctic Cat Prowler. Next months issue will have our trip report form the Grand Canyon trip so you wont want to miss that issue either.

Please all Underground members and readers, please order up a subscription at UTV Off-Road Magazine :: Everything Side-By-Side for the Off-Road Enthusiast and show your support to the gus and gals who are working hard ot bring you a high quality print magazine. Their aren't many out there so lets keep this one running strong!!!!

Thank you,

Joey D.




Great article Joey!!

Already got my subscription but haven't received any issues yet!! :eek:

I can't wait!! :D
Great article. My favorite part is "The End". Order your subscription and support the company the believes in our sport.
hahah.....Until you see the paycheck.....LOL......Nah I love my job and all I get to do. Its a blast to be able to be involved in such an awesome industry.

Thanks for all the props guys. I am on cloud 9 seeing the FatRod in print!
Thanks guys but Troy made this happen and wrote the cool article! But I appreciate the props on the car!

Thank you to those of you who have subscribed to the Magazine!!

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