I am thrilled that the newest issue of UTV Off Road Magazine has finally hit the newstands! In this issue is my story of our adventure with Arctic Cat to the Grand Canyon guided by WallyWorld! This trip was amazing and I hope you all enjoy the words and images describing the trip!
Also included in this issue is an awesom review of the Magnum Offroad KYB Rhino and Teryx revalved shocks. Magnum Offroad is wuickly becoming the premier shock tuning experts for UTV's and not only can they sell you new shocks but they can take your existing shocks and either freshen them up or make improvements to them saving you hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars!
If you dont yet have your ow subscription to UTV Off Road then go to UTV Off-Road Magazine :: Everything Side-By-Side for the Off-Road Enthusiast and get signd up! You wont be sorry!