Urge Your Rep. to Cosponsor the “Wilderness & Roadless Area Release Actâ€

The Lyin King

Public Lands Advocate
U.S. Representative and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has joined with National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) and Western Caucus Chairman Steve Pearce (R-NM) to create legislation to ensure greater access to public lands for all Americans. The very important draft bill would release all Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) and Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) that have been recommended or evaluated as not suitable for wilderness by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the U.S. Forest Service from restrictive management practices and directs that they be managed for multiple use, including recreation.

Action Item and More Here: https://secure3.convio.net/arra/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=277
It is far better to try and make things happen rather than stand around after the fact wondering what the hell happend!!!

The “Wilderness & Roadless Area Release Act†is a HUGE opportunity to get proactive in Public Land Management issues.

I encourage everyone who values recreation to urge his or her Congress Critters to co-sponsor this act.

You can find contact info with Google pretty easy, so no excuse not to get involved! Don't post this on RZRfourm.net you'll get banned if you ask them to pull their heads out of their a$$es and do something political! GD liberals;) ;)

Too funny! :)

Yes, it is true that one can find contact and other information with Google easily and I see NO EXCUSE for folks not to take advantage of a RARE opportunity to get back recreational opportunities like this one by spending two minutes to try and make a difference!!!

I won't pass judgment upon folks on any of the forums I've placed this Alert, but here's a Google search that may be of interest???


That is funny, Was and Grant were two of the biggest bullies on the site, but talk a good story! Grant was whining because the BLM wanted to close large sections of Havasu AZ, to my point their agenda to turn everything into a click or their way is to the exclusion of all, including people who do the fighting for them! But the it's not my fight, until it's at my back door is the problem, is the biggest problem and none of them want to hear it! Just take five minutes and fight for your rights! :eek:

IMHO, folks need to spend more time thinking "NATIONALLY"!! By the time crap lands in one's own backyard it's generally WAY TOO LATE!

Hence my urging folks to jump on this initiative, as it's ramifications ARE NATIONAL!!!
IMHO, folks need to spend more time thinking "NATIONALLY"!! By the time crap lands in one's own backyard it's generally WAY TOO LATE!

Hence my urging folks to jump on this initiative, as it's ramifications ARE NATIONAL!!!

This is a key point.
Something else we need to pay attention to is that the federal agencies we are dealing with at a local level are staffed by career types, who have very deep personal roots in the liberal anti-acess causes.
They do not see themselves as caretakers of the public lands, they see themselves as self-appointed overseers who are above the elected representatives of the people when it comes to "knowing" what "is best" for any given land.
When legislation passes that they disagree with they do their level best to ignore it, and continue to do what they "know" to be the right thing.
It is infuriating.
What is best in their mind is that people be kept off of and as far away as possible from it when it comes to vehicular traffic whatsoever.
You younger people need to get involved in this and stay involved in it, and when you get things changed you need to hold the agencies involved accountable for changing their internal dynamic.
If you don't by the time you have grandkids you'll be showing them pictures o what you used to do, and answering tough questions about why you can't go do that anymore.
This is a key point.
Something else we need to pay attention to is that the federal agencies we are dealing with at a local level are staffed by career types, who have very deep personal roots in the liberal anti-acess causes.
They do not see themselves as caretakers of the public lands, they see themselves as self-appointed overseers who are above the elected representatives of the people when it comes to "knowing" what "is best" for any given land.
When legislation passes that they disagree with they do their level best to ignore it, and continue to do what they "know" to be the right thing.
It is infuriating.
What is best in their mind is that people be kept off of and as far away as possible from it when it comes to vehicular traffic whatsoever.
You younger people need to get involved in this and stay involved in it, and when you get things changed you need to hold the agencies involved accountable for changing their internal dynamic.
If you don't by the time you have grandkids you'll be showing them pictures o what you used to do, and answering tough questions about why you can't go do that anymore.


Points well made and stated, KUDOS!!! Listen up folks . . .

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