Turbo BITD build questions


I'm trying to start getting parts for our upcoming build, our new turbo should be here any day so I want to get going on parts ordering. A couple items I was wondering about are what belt temp gauge do you guys like to use. And is there anyone that makes quick release pins for the turbos? I use lone star pins on my 1K's so I'm hoping to find something similar. Thank you for any help
i have been makin the pins myself since they are not available thru any vendor. just take a bolt and cut the head off and drill a hole thru them for the pins. thats what we have done when we needed a set.

if you run the fancy racepak dash you can get the air temp and infrared sensor to plug directly into the racepak dash and program it to show you the temps and warning lights

if you get the razorback it also i believe is programmable with warning flashes over a certain temp

the alba style air temp that goes in the exhaust outlet seems like a thing of the past now-a-days because of all the modern technology but it works, every time. some of the newer flashy ones will give you false readings. the infrared works awesome when it works. if you dont position it perfectly, the sensor may not be pointing at the belt as the clutch upshifts all the way and therefore the sensor be pointing at the clutch cover which will give you false readings. or if there is a grounding issue which i have seen multiple times in the past, the sensors freak out and tell you that you are 900 degrees and start flashing and wont shut off. i have seen so many cars with so many different sensors. and honestly i have seen probelms with all of them except for the old fashioned thermocouple style that just picks up the ambient temp in the clutch exhaust tube. if it was me and i were you this is purely up to your budget, but if you get the race-pak then you should get their ambient temp and their infrared sensors and use both. have them both on the dash so you can monitor both and if one starts fritzing out you always have a backup to at least give you some idea of whats going on. also the first thing to do is get an actual laser infrered temp gun that is hand held and make sure it reads right and go out and run the machine and pull the cover and check the belt with the hand held and note its actual temp versus what both your gauges say. note the similarities or differences and keep that in mind during race day. if your ambient temp sensor is reading 165 but your hand held laser says its 185 then keep in mind there is a difference in the two. and know when to back it down.

like doug said..... get ready to get deep in the ole pocket book. these things aint cheap.
The Razorback is nice!! We ran that and really liked it on our race car.

I have been installing the Race-Pak dashes into all of my rzrs as of late and installing the sensors for belt temp, oil pressure, and boost. Its pretty bad ass to be able to read it all through one gauge. However you would need to run that cluster in the center of your dash for your co-dog to see unless you like to look at all that data while driving. You can configure the dash to show any of the details you want including MPH, Fuel, Temp, Oil, Boost, Belt, etc etc.

The race-pak is a plug and play device which is nice as well.
We have Pins for the turbo covers. I don't have any pricing as we don't build them to sell normally, they just go into our builds. If you want them PM me and I will try and sort out some pricing.
yessir the race-pak is nice if its in your budget. you can run any number of sensors you want and have them on the dash all showing at the same time. you can program where you want each thing showing on the dash and the warning lights to come on with any sensor. its pretty nice what all it can do. when you buy the kit, if you are going to do the race-pak buy the sensor harness for the infra-red and for the thermocouple style belt temp and wire them both up and you can have both on the screen as well as fuel pressure and boost and RPM and speed, both GPS and speed signal from ECU. its pretty much any sort of info you want to know its capable of showing you. RPM in a digital number or a bar graph across the top of the screen.
I have been checking out the race-pak also, seems like it can do a lot of different parameters. It's crazy how many different set ups you see at tech these days. Everyone has there own secret set up. Big Jim what does Justin use in his cars ?
I have been checking out the race-pak also, seems like it can do a lot of different parameters. It's crazy how many different set ups you see at tech these days. Everyone has there own secret set up. Big Jim what does Justin use in his cars ?

Our 2016 car has oem cluster with the gauges we deemed necessary. We are finishing up a customer car currently with Racepak and its a nice set up for sure...I seen things I think are pretty dumb...max wire size is like 16 Gauge, 16G is only good for so much amperage. I am unsure if we are going that route in our 17 car or not.

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