True friends


Jagged X - Official UTVUnderground Sponsor
so you call your buddy up and say "hey man, I could use your help next weekend"
He says "sure, what's up"

So you tell him ....

Going on a little road trip...
To a foreign country.....
It may be really hot....
Or it may be freezing cold....
you may be in the middle of no where for hours on end
With no cel service.....
No electricity....
You may not get a shower for s couple days ....
You will need to stay awake alert about 40 straight hours....
You are going to be responsible for $100k worth of equipment.....
Driving on roads wide enough for only part of your vehicle
There may be cows on the road....or broke down trucks...
Or there may be no road ....
The food is great .... But it may not like you
There will be teenagers with assault rifles
Searching your vehicle .....
You won't know the language.....
Oh and don't drink the water......
And we will wait for four hours to get back into your own country.

Your friend says "BAJA! Hell yea when do we leave?"

True friend and team

I want to thank all my awesome friends who make up the jagged. X
Team! You are all directly responsible for our teams success.
Thank you all!
JX is an awesome group of people. Friends first then team mates. The brotherhood and comradery is what makes me want to be involved. Plus I love Baja and off-roading so it is a no brainer. Sure all of what Bill says but nothing beats the adventure. Serious endeavor and goals but this JX team knows when and how to have fun! Just get the Crown out and let Heybeerman entertain us...:eek:

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