Tonto nf comment period


Family. It's about time.
February 1, 2013 – The Tonto National Forest in Arizona has published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for its Travel Management Plan. Currently, motor vehicles may operate on all roads in the Forest, though the Forest doesn’t manage motor vehicle trails. Additionally, 700,004 acres are open to cross-country travel in the Payson and Pleasant Valley ranger districts and 2,170,000 acres closed to cross-country travel in the Cave Creek, Mesa, Globe, and Tonto Basin ranger districts.

Under the proposed action, 2,567 miles of roads would be open to high clearance vehicles and 967 miles would be open to passenger vehicles. 1,187 miles of roads would be designated for administrative use, restricting use to federal employees and permitted uses. 842 miles of existing roads would be closed. Approximately 280 miles of user-created routes would be added to the forest transportation system and would be managed as roads. 251 miles would be proposed as trails, open to OHV travel only. Four areas within the Forest would be designated as open to cross-country travel: the 17-acre Golf Course OHV Area within the Globe Ranger District; the 1,391-acre Sycamore OHV Area within the Mesa Ranger District; and the 3-acre Sycamore Tot Lot OHV Area and the 6-acre Rolls Tot Lot within the Mesa Ranger District, which would both be intended for youth riders. All motorized travel off designated routes and areas would be prohibited.

Comments must be submitted by March 4, 2013. It is important that OHV enthusiasts get involved in the designation process by contacting Forest staff. Send written comments by email to:; by fax to (602) 225–5295; or by mail to: to Neil Bosworth, Forest Supervisor, ATTN: Travel Management, 2324 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85006.

View Federal Register Notice

For further information, please contact Anne Thomas, Tonto National Forest NEPA Coordinator at (602) 225–5213 or at the above address.

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