All UTV's Time to talk UTV Sportsman class


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For those who don't know me my name is Lenny James and I am the UTV Coordinator for the new BTR series in West Texas. I'm also a driver and have been for a long time and have raced almost every class of off-road cars and trucks. Being involved in the desert for thirty plus years I know that safety is the #1 part of this sport hands down. In our first race this past Saturday we did have a major accident. It involved a new racer, but in his defense he has been offroading for years, He was racing a new 900 XP with an aftermarket but still a bolt on cage in the Sportsman class. Long story short he lost it on a fence line road and went literally head first into a large post poubnded about 6 feet in the ground. The cage buckled the top bar between A and B pillar, shifted the entire cage over about 4 inches to the right and about 2 inches forward. He was taken away with a broken collar bone seperated shoulder and a concussion. This could have been much worse but it most definitely should have been much better. These new cars in my opionion are to fast to be raced in anything less than a full tubed race chassis with all the saftety equipment that one can find, including some type of head and neck restraint system. I would like to here what other racers think about this so we can make the UTV class as safe as it can be here in Texas. Over the next few weeks we will be discussing as an organization and make some changes and the more input we can get the better. This was a fear of ours in allowing Sprtsman Cars to race, but at the same time we want to get people who want the chance to race involved.
Thanks Ya'll for your opions.

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