Time for BITD to MOVE UTV Start w/ ALL 4 Wheel Vehicles


Marc Burnett and I am told Dan Fisher were both in contact with Trophy Trucks today in the Vegas To Reno race. As far as I know, both teams are ok. Burnett took a really hard hit, truck was at speed, and I blame no one but BITD for this.

This is BS and is a long time coming for TTs and UTVs to start colliding. This is a major reason that all UTV racers at BITD should be DEMANDING to Casey to start UTVs where they belong, with the other 4 wheel vehicles just like Baja.

Its not fair for UTVs to have to be fearful of the biggest, fastest machines in the race running them down and it certainly isn't fair to the TT drivers and teams that they have to navigate through a ton of small UTVs that kick up dust like trucks. This was bound to happen.

It was easier to defend when it was a handful of UTVs but now its like 30-40 UTVs at every race!

Time for racers from all classes to unite and help make this change. SCORE has done this for years now. It doesn't mean their won't be incidents but this change will increase safety without a doubt!
I've been preaching this for as long as I have been on this site. More then once I have called Casey out as to not giving two shits about safety! He claims he's about safety, but I have felt he's more about sucking up to the BLM and the entry fee & sponsor money. This has been going on longer then this current UTV issue. Just look at his waist of time drivers meetings. Starting a UTV which is just a production built short wheelbase buggy, and starting them with bike & quads is just retarded! It always has been.

I challenge Polaris to demand he starts the UTV's with the rest of the 4 wheel class in their respective starting positions. If Casey thinks he's going to loose Polaris sponsorship money he will start the UTV's wherever will keep the checks coming in. This would happen quicker with Polaris threatening to pull their money, then a bunch or racers calling and crying to him. I say crying as they is what he is going to think about it.
I dont think this on Polaris to demand anything, its on every OEM, every TT driver, and every UTV racer.. Polaris doesn't write Casey any checks as far as I know.. John Deere is the title UTV sponsor of BITD. Polaris simply spends their money with the racers, the Mint 400 and the Baja 500 & 1000.
I dont think this on Polaris to demand anything, its on every OEM, every TT driver, and every UTV racer.. Polaris doesn't write Casey any checks as far as I know.. John Deere is the title UTV sponsor of BITD. Polaris simply spends their money with the racers, the Mint 400 and the Baja 500 & 1000.

Sorry I stand corrected. I thought Polaris was a BITD sponsor? So then they are more tied to Mad Media & the Mint, in regards to BITD?

John Deere sponsorship makes since now, and makes it even more clear why they cried for a second UTV class where they could compete.

You right every TT & UTV driver should be calling, but you would be amazed how many will tell you & me their feeling's, but when it comes right down to it, less then 10% will actually call BITD and demand they fix this or we will not race in BITD. You need to threaten the most important thing to keeping BITD alive, and that is money. Either Sponsorship or through entry fees.

But most races wont take the time to call BITD, just as they wont pick up a phone or pen to help fight the Environmentalist & their liberal politicians from closing our public land.

I saw Cam post on the RDC thread about this. Cam will make a phone call when most wont.
I think everyone should get together with the TT drivers and complain together. There the star of the show and they will listen to them more seriously. I bet they hate it just as much.

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Serious issue for sure. We got hit at the Mint by a Trophy lite hard enough to break a trailing arm and do a ton of other damage. While not fun I was glad that it wasn't a trophy truck. Not sure if its just me or not but I've gotten the impression "especially as a new racer" that BITD doesn't care or want to hear my concerns. I love the races but haven't been at all impressed with the "concern" for the lower classes.
Ok I don't race so someone help a newb out ... What would be the OBJECTION to starting UTVs with other 4-wheel vehicles ? It seems pretty obvious this is how is should be done.
They say that the finish line would have to be open 6 to 8 hours late I believe
They say that the finish line would have to be open 6 to 8 hours late I believe

So there saying that a few Hrs more of there time is not worth the Life it may save. If it was there Family or Friend who Dies in a Race cause the UTV got Balled up by a 100+ Mph Tank They would think differently about a few extra hrs that would have changed so many lives for a Lifetime.:eek:
So there saying that a few Hrs more of there time is not worth the Life it may save. If it was there Family or Friend who Dies in a Race cause the UTV got Balled up by a 100+ Mph Tank They would think differently about a few extra hrs that would have changed so many lives for a Lifetime.:eek:

Don't bring logic to this argument.

I don't understand why they would not let the TT and Class 1 cars take off first. No worries of them mowing anyone over if they are out there first.

How does Baja/SCORE do it for the different classes?
Last year at the 1000 the bikes and quads left at 11pm. Trucks and cars at 9am I believe.
They need to change it. We got caught in one of the canyons last year with a TT and two 1 cars behind us in a single lane area with no where to pull off. We were put in the rocks and lost tires and that was it luckly. I'm glad that the TT driver realized we couldn't go anywhere and gave us a little more time but he had guys pressuring him. If it was someone else I don't know how it would have ended up with these two incidents happening this year.
Regardless it was bound to happen at some point, wasn't a matter of if, but when.
Seems this is fairly straight forwarded safety issue... and one of the rare occasions UTVs and TT can agree for better / safer race.
In 2011 we were punted off the road at the SS300, rolled down a revene about mile 200 ending up on the lid leaning against a tree with a branch sticking through the front tire. We spent 7 hours in the desert. The sweep trucks at the end of the race found us and helped us get back on the road. We timed out at 11:30pm and took a DNF. The TT guys treat us like soccer balls. Definitely unsafe.
I was the driver of dan fishers car #1910 we got caught just befor pit 12 by voss and pulled off cause we knew he was coming... The second truck to catch us was herbsy at around mile 385 pulled off the course cause his heli came up on us so we knew he was coming.., at this point we knew we were going to have trucks and cars coming up on us... We were not passed again until about mile marker 415 just befor pit 13 on the silt power line road... My co driver was keeping an eye on the rear view mirror but due to the amount of dust we were kicking up we noticed dale dondale on our ass... He was on our ass for no more then max 3 seconds when he hit his horn and I began to move off the two track trying to avoid the rocks scattered along the edge befor I could get half way off the course ( this is all in a matter of maybe 4-5 seconds at 65mph ) he pushed us from behind ( a trophy truck touching a UTV does not have to hit u all they have to do is touch u and push the throttle) it pushes or back end around and we flipped 3-4 times luckily not injuring us to bad and were able to limp the broken car to pit 13 about 2 miles up the road... I confirmed with everyone at pit 13 that dale dondel was the 3rd truck through the pit... When we confronted dale at the GSR he stated he didn't do it but he also stated he didn't go through pit 13 in 3rf which I confirmed with iRC... He then later admitted later to a buddy talking to him that he will get behind UTV and push them out of the way..., per the rule books no contact is supposed to be made with any blue light vehicle in racing... I know that it is excepted but a 7000lb vehicle "pushing " a 1800lb vehicle will cause damage and injury.... I love racing and always have but this is the first time I truely thought that this is stupid and completely unsafe when another driver doesn't care for the well being of another driver or have enough respect or patience to let them get out of the way... A UTV cannot just pull off the road at 65mph without finding a place to safely do so... Not can I hot my brakes to slow down cause I have a truck on my ass... If this race doesn't tell we need change not only in starting positions but drivers actions I don't know what does... Someone is going to get killed... While we were broken at pit 13 a 18 year old kid came in throwing up and with obvious medial issues and a ass end of his quad destroyed from a trophy truck hitting him from behind... I get racing and I get competing for a spot and time but not at the risk of someone's life and that is what it is coming to...
Dondel's co driver and I are friends. He swears to everything he was NOT the truck that got you. They have go pro, no marks on the car and plain and simple said they did not hit any UTVs. Have you confirmed it was Dondel? How do you know it was in fact Dondel?

Just asking
Third truck to get to us and we were only 1-2 miles from pit 13... Per IRC and pit 13 crews dondel was 3rd truck through... So unless they passed a car or truck in the two miles before pit 13 then it was them... The whole marks thing means absolutely nothing we didn't get brides we got pushed... Like I said befor a 7000lb trophy truck even touches a rzr a tiny bit and then gives any throttle it will dramatically effect that rzr we were already staring to get off the road and had two wheels off the when our back end was pushed "hit" whatever u want to call it... There was tire marks on the suspension when the guys pulled that parts off the rear end.. When we confronted them about it they could even tell
Me their correct position on course and where blaming it on the herbsy that we pulled over for and watched pass us about 15 miles earlier and also said Jesse jones which passed by us after we crawled out of the car the only other person that isn't accounted for was who went through 4th place but like I said they would have had to of passed that person within 2 miles of pit 13

Then it was Herbst(best guess). If I were in a UTV that got twisted around I doubt that I'd remember squat. Fact..by all rights and reasons, the guy that hit him should come forward with an apology. That is the right thing to do, yes?
I think wether it was dondell or not (which I can't figure out who else it would be and we have looked at it from every angle) the fact is the situation happened and is the problem... It is a huge safety issue to have is in front of trophy trucks that aren't obviously giving us any respect or ability to move over and race safe... We shouldn't be put in these situation to begin with...

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