
May, 1, 2020

OK, HERE WE GO. The Race is ON!!!

We are ready for our May 16, 2020 - THE PURE "300" - CONTROLLED FURY - A 300-min event that it is going to rock your world. A terrific course, with lots of challenges, but all in small spurts that will challenge the most experienced and satisfy the newer racers. Visit our website: for more details.

Easy access to the course as long as you get our OK to get your vehicle in.
As always, we are running on "Unmaintained" County Roads and easements and grandfathered trails, but you have to always watch for traffic on the course. We have been waiting for a while now, but we are ready to go racing.
We are going to maintain the suggestions and warnings to protect everyone from the virus. Bring your masks and whatever else you feel comfortable with. We have plenty of room in our 10 acres so that you can park safely away from others to maintain the "social distance" recommended.

However, at the Bar-B's Ranch, in God's County (our desert), you are going to enjoy what living and playing in the wonderful open desert of Cal-City is all about.

You should visit the following link to download all the necessary forms and send them in at one time. This will minimize the time you will be in Check-in, at our open air- tents. Here is the link:…/669927715/1373663768/…

You can check the tentative course, but the GPS files will be sent to all those who have signed up, on Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m. - Remember, you can Pre-run, Friday, May 15 from Noon until 5 p.m. ONLY!

This is a great time to forget the nightmare we’ve all had, and start living and playing again.

Hope so to see many of you, Saturday, May 16, 2020.

Lois and Lou Peralta & Staff



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THE flyer tells all


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o you can pass anyone on the 40.1 mile racecourse if you are NOT closer than 6 feet. Do not touch anyone's bumper. Just get around the car at least 6-feet apart. At the finish we will hand you your finisher button at least 6 feet from you. Want to see what the button looks like? (See attached)
Because of the CV-19 there will be no awards at the end of the race. We will have them at our next event in JUNE 27, 2020 - THE PURE 240. In the meantime, any photos or videos you have, send u a copy so that we can post on our website and elsewhere. We will give you proper credit.
To get to our entry forms please visit this link: Alta Vista Events - OFF-ROAD & DIRT RACING - ++++2020 - PURE "300" - RACE #2 -SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES - DATE CHANGE TO MAY 16, 2020
You can also visit our website at this link:


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