Mechael, you took the words right out of my mouth. You know, it is hard for people to think like that but the throttle will get you out of more trouble than the brakes ever will. It's like when driving on ice or snow, when you are trying to stop and start sliding, human nature tells us to press harder on the brakes. LOL
It just takes alot of driving in those situations to get it down, to think opposite of what you would do in dry conditions. Kind of funny how that works!
Proof again, why that safety feature should be discontinued. He couldn't have drove out of a nose dive even if he knew how to. Looking at what he was going to jump pretty much told you what the outcome was going to be, Live & learn. That's the stuff in life that sucks but makes us smarter! I love arm chair jumping! My hindsight seems to be 20/20. LOL