Sunday Snow Run to Palomar Mountain!! VIDEO


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I took the family up to Palomar Mountain yesterday with my father in law and brother/sister in law. We go up the back way, up a graded yet not paved 4X4 trail known as Nate Harrison Grade. It was awesome! We threw the trucks in 4wd and rolled right on up!!! Sucked for all the people as we came down the main highway after playing to see 6 miles of traffic backed up and people at the bottom being turned away! lol It was a blast letting our kids play in the snow.

I have ran the UTV's up this hill before and it was awesome too but not welcomed once you get to the state park entrance.
THAT'S what it's all about, right there! :D

Anyone who watches that and doesn't get it, shouldn't be hangin' here. The freedom to enjoy (notice I didn't say destroy!) the outdoors with the family and keep this active in the minds of our young, is absolutely priceless.

It saddens me to think that some day in the not to distant future, this will be a thing of the past.

Thanks for sharing!:)

thanks Frank & Dan! We had a blast and it would be a shame to run this type of family fun out from under us. The kids were on cloud 9 the whole day! and to think we could have been back out to the beach by 2pm! hahhaah I love So Cal!
thanks Frank & Dan! We had a blast and it would be a shame to run this type of family fun out from under us. The kids were on cloud 9 the whole day! and to think we could have been back out to the beach by 2pm! hahhaah I love So Cal!

Yeah, frostbite and sand crabs in the same day. What a country!!!:eek::D

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