Snowflake Pics and Results




I hope to get more pics soon. I will post them here, everyone else can do the same. I will have the results up asap.

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Good times out in Northern AZ!!! We were set up about 5 miles south of the pit area and even lap 1 was hard to tell who was who as the mud covered EVERYTHING!!! Heard the pits were a mess....oh well! Bobby was flying around the track as well as some guy in a Honda Pilot...heard Austin lost a tire and the Weller R1 had some issues, but sounded sweet! If anyone knows Randy (#43 buggy thingy from Prescott) you owe us some beers and hope your machine get fixed!







Some vids:

Man are those some nice RIGID LIGHTS!;)
[ame=]YouTube - Shannon Campbell - Snowflake 2009[/ame]

Weller R1:
[ame=]YouTube - Weller R1 - Snowflake 2009[/ame]

Bobby Flying around the track!!!
Good times out in Northern AZ!!! We were set up about 5 miles south of the pit area and even lap 1 was hard to tell who was who as the mud covered EVERYTHING!!! Heard the pits were a mess....oh well! Bobby was flying around the track as well as some guy in a Honda Pilot...heard Austin lost a tire and the Weller R1 had some issues, but sounded sweet! If anyone knows Randy (#43 buggy thingy from Prescott) you owe us some beers and hope your machine get fixed!

no i had other issues my dad was racing our old blue rhino and he is the one that had tire issues the whole gear one hub came apart on him
This was a great race & always is. My pit crew was the best. Thank Brad, Jake, Scott, Pete(Father-in-law), Danny & Someone from FST. We pitted four times. Four times for fuel & once for a tire change. The same crew pitted for my wife & Shane. Dan Kelly helped with the flat tire one because his car had broke. I want to thank Scott & Jimmy @ XMF for a great car & Dave & Shane @ 2X for the race prepped car & motor in stall. I'm so proud of my wife for taking 5th place in here first ever UTV race. Now I'm in trouble this sport $ just doubled because she loved it & now she wants to race the breast cancer race for women only in Cali next month. I guess we will see you there. I know who pitting this one. :D
Great job Bobby!!! We know how much you like that Mud!!! LOL Hopefully we can make it out to the powder puff race to watch and support!

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