Pretty good representation of what we all say out there! "GD Sun!" and a few other expletives! I love that you have wired into you GoPro to pick up the conversations..I too follow the bushes as they are the markings of where the course is at times...the conversations are priceless.. we plan to do the same in our new car. Looks like you were doing really well, passing many cars.... and of course broke a belt- thats racing!
we use Long, medium and short "Sweep" left or right and Long, Medium and short Left/right as well as "hard" Left/right... of of course 1, 2 or 3 straights... meaning straight straight straight is a forever superlong straight etc.. we also say "dog leg" left or rights as appropriate.. every team figures out what works for them... Hope you guys are making V2R! see you then!