SCORE, should they split the utv class?


Cognito Motorsports - Official UTVUnderground Spon
We dont race the entire SCORE series, and i dont think most UTV's do. Plus there is the Baja factor. For those reasons i dont think SCORE should split the UTV class. Heard a rumor they might be.

what do you SCORE racers think?
Baja itself in many cases is the big equalizer as HP in a 500-1000 miles race is not always what's going to win you the race. Many of the BITD races or the UTV Championship where its more of a Balls Out Sprint style of racing, then HP is a big factor and I expect we see a Turbo car win at the overall at UTV Championships. I would say for now Score should keep the class as one.

Now with all that said and with everyone (or most) not happy with the BITD class split, what if to keep the NA cars on a more level ground with the Turbo cars, what if a rule was made that a NA engine "could" be bored over to 1099 cc's? Would allowing the NA car a bit more CC's make them competitive against the Turbo's? Teams used to bore their 900's to 1000cc's, so the idea of boring over is nothing new to the class or builders. Would this be a popular idea and then put both the Turbo & NA cars back in one class again? If something like this was to be implemented you would want both BITD & Score to do it to keep the class rules uniform over the multiple series.

Lets face it 90% of the new builds are going to be turbo cars. In the next few years the NA car will probably be fazed out just by the evolution of the UTV. But by allowing them to make some more power now might keep those cars valuable for a bit longer, and be able to compete with the rumored Arctic Cat NA engine. Many limited buggy classes already require a simple CC check, so checking to top 3 NA cars would be no big deal, tech wise.
Maybe the question should be how does score get more entries then BITD? With the low entries 20-30 I believe really hard to split that I think that was only for 500 and 1000. So on small score race was down to 10-20 even harder to justify split. I would think to dumb down the rules less restrictions all around for utv. My 2 cents but Iam not a score racer.
Letting NA's run big bore is an interesting concept. Similar to how the AMA lets 250 2-strokes run with the 250Fs in amateur MX racing. Seems like it would definitely increase entry numbers.
adding big bore is not gonna do much in my opinion on helping anyone in Baja. Probly just make things worse, but i surely dont think it will increase car count. The NA cars are super competitive in these long ass races, especially in Baja terrain.

I dont think they should split the class myself, but i hear that it will be.
They are showing 3 classes now. Pro NA, Pro FI, and Pro Unlimited. This is going to be fun. I can't wait to see some of this guys builds. The Pro Unlimited is going to catch on I think.

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This SUCKS........ Why do they feel the need to split the classes and water it all down. Pro Production should be the only pro class. Three Pro UTV classes is completely FUCKING LAME. The NA cars are still super competitive, at the 1000 there were I believe 7 turbo cars racing and a NA car crossed the finish line with over an hour gap on the next car that was also NA.The bottom line is this is PRO racing not amature racing, we don't need a class so everyone gets a trophy and feels special. If you don't want to race against the best teams out there then stay home and race a local series. Bigger classes is what makes racing so much fun and winning so much sweeter.

Once again THIS SUCKS......
This SUCKS........ Why do they feel the need to split the classes and water it all down. Pro Production should be the only pro class. Three Pro UTV classes is completely FUCKING LAME. The NA cars are still super competitive, at the 1000 there were I believe 7 turbo cars racing and a NA car crossed the finish line with over an hour gap on the next car that was also NA.The bottom line is this is PRO racing not amature racing, we don't need a class so everyone gets a trophy and feels special. If you don't want to race against the best teams out there then stay home and race a local series. Bigger classes is what makes racing so much fun and winning

I completely agree. The real pro class should really be unlimited like most other classes in motorsports. I said before here the best solution would be for both Score and bitd to have a Pro and Pro lite class . Pro would be unlimited and pro light would be Production N/A Cars so the less funded guys have a competitive place to race. It seems like the most logical solution. I'm not sure why promoters and racers don't agree with this
This SUCKS........ Why do they feel the need to split the classes and water it all down. Pro Production should be the only pro class. Three Pro UTV classes is completely FUCKING LAME. The NA cars are still super competitive, at the 1000 there were I believe 7 turbo cars racing and a NA car crossed the finish line with over an hour gap on the next car that was also NA.The bottom line is this is PRO racing not amature racing, we don't need a class so everyone gets a trophy and feels special. If you don't want to race against the best teams out there then stay home and race a local series. Bigger classes is what makes racing so much fun and winning so much sweeter.

Once again THIS SUCKS......

I totally agree and like I have preached before the UTV Racers need to get a handle on things before they spiral out of control like they are. Who was involved with this new rule change? Someone had to be calling Score, as I cant see them deciding on their own to invent more classes, and have to right more rules. This new division of classes will very much hurt and kill the UTV class in the Score races. Score is already at a disadvantage vs BITD, as Score is much tougher and cost more to race. So for a class like the UTV's its always going to see less entries then a BITD race, where all the logistics are taken care of for you.

Totally sucks! Have fun racing 7 other guys!

If the Score UTV racers want to prove a point to Score and its management, you can do like the 1600 racers threatened to do many moons ago with both Score & MDR. They were going to enter in the Sportsman class which has a cheaper entry fee, then take the money saved from the entry fee and put it in a side bet pot. This way you are all racing in "One Class" and you pay out the top three finishers, just like if you were in a "Pro" class. And I use the words "Pro" loosely.
UTV racers rely heavily on factory sponsorships though, even if it's only partial. Unlimited is not factory so I'm not sure how factory sponsors would jump on that. I might be wrong though.

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Who was involved with this new rule change? Someone had to be calling Score, as I cant see them deciding on their own to invent more classes, and have to write more rules.

(Agreed) Until a response strategy is based on exactly why they did this and who will indeed be benefitting in the'll all be spinning your wheels.
Parker will end up having over 50 Trick Trucks lined for that race by the time the 1st truck takes off. That is a crazy number to me. You can't tell me UTVs that cost way less to build can't become more successful by letting the top teams go to an unlimited Car. Just change 1 rule to say you have to start with a 1000cc UTV production motor . I just don't get limiting the top teams and creating so many classes. You only need two classes. Unlimited and some sort of limited class. The factory backing will still be there if the cars resemble UTVs . All these classes and rules hurt the growth I think.
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"..The factory backing will still be there if the cars resemble UTVs.."

Maybe it will..maybe it won't. What class will resemble a (I'm assuming factory built) UTV more than the other to...who?
My point is that your legitimate thoughts and many others offered here are simply a repeat of what happened last year when rules changed and racer's lives changed with them (as they always do).

My opinion (and this applies to a lot of other issues) is that discussions such as these rarely focus on a root cause/motivation and/or discovery factor. The 'whys' are what sort out truth/drive discussions vs the 'shoulds' unfortunately preceding them when nobody simply steps forward and reveals the former. Nikal took the obvious route: simply tell me who is behind this..and..there you go.

If it's a change in what the production UTV segment will look like very soon (remember, trucks don't deal with this) that's one discussion. Any other is often rooted in a group of someones with their 'own' dreams and most (I'm guessing) would prefer to start there.
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As an outsider looking in, the rules and class separation is confusing. I understand the production part but how is a Jimco built XP turbo production?? What's next 35" tires? Just call it what it is; a class 10... Like mentioned,there should be one Pro class. Rules for N.A. vs turbo should be added just for equality (i.e. Engine mods for N.A.) Should be called PRO unlimited UTV.
Production should be Production UTV's with safety / suspension perhaps limited a bit more for the grass rooots racer.
Also, I always laugh when I see the word "Sportsman", should be changed to "sandbagger". Just simplify and let racers race.
As an outsider looking in, the rules and class separation is confusing. I understand the production part but how is a Jimco built XP turbo production?? What's next 35" tires? Just call it what it is; a class 10... Like mentioned,there should be one Pro class. Rules for N.A. vs turbo should be added just for equality (i.e. Engine mods for N.A.) Should be called PRO unlimited UTV.
should be Production UTV's with safety / suspension perhaps limited a bit more for the grass rooots racer.
Also, I always laugh when I see the word "Sportsman", should be changed to "sandbagger". Just simplify and let racers race.

Also, I always laugh when I see the word "Sportsman", should be changed to "sandbagger". Just simplify and let racers race.

Outsider looking in is right.....Everyone who is at these events and sees the sportsman cars entered and knows that if 1 of them finish they are doing really good. They are generally a frankencar that someone put a lot of passion into building....but they arent on the same playing field as a pro production car.....Or they are exactly that.... a sportsman who is out to have a good time.
Also, I always laugh when I see the word "Sportsman", should be changed to "sandbagger". Just simplify and let racers race.

Outsider looking in is right.....Everyone who is at these events and sees the sportsman cars entered and knows that if 1 of them finish they are doing really good. They are generally a frankencar that someone put a lot of passion into building....but they arent on the same playing field as a pro production car.....Or they are exactly that.... a sportsman who is out to have a good time.

The "Sportsman" car the Todd Romano built for Hawk Performance in 2012 dominated SCORE and won the 1000 by 8 hrs.It could still dominate but its probably just sitting in a warehouse somewhere.
The "Sportsman" car the Todd Romano built for Hawk Performance in 2012 dominated SCORE and won the 1000 by 8 hrs.It could still dominate but its probably just sitting in a warehouse somewhere.
Get it out, put it in the unlimited class

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