Active Member

In the dusty desert or just simply working around the house or shop you may need the new RZ mask. This mask is made to protect and does a great job in any climate that steps in its way.I have used it to cutting up trees ,picking up my dogs poop (must have) and several other occasions so far.

Better Yet I had a chance to go to ALASKA and try them in the snow. I had 2 RZ masks that I got just in time to take on the freezing cold! My wife was stoked on the mask with no chapped lips or red nose when we got home after 4 days in the snow.This mask stops all the cold freezing air from breathing it in and keeps your face warm at the same time.These mask are a must in the snow.


I know alot of you go night riding in the CALIFORNIA deserts and all around the country. Lose the bandana 's and step it up with the RZ Mask that holds a IPOD and looks cool at the same time.The dusty roads of Ocotillo,CA I will be wearing my RZ Mask to keep all the dust out of my way and keep warm at night listening to the tunes.
Desert report to follow.......