Riders rally in Washington, D.C., against lead ban for motorcycles


From the mouths of kids: Riders rally in Washington, D.C., against lead ban for motorcycles

Motorcyclists, AMA members, motorcycle dealers and industry officials gathered in Washington D.C. today to rally in support of an effort to overturn a ban on the sales of youth-model motorcycles and ATVs that is mandated by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).

Standing in the Capitol Building Visitors Center, the rally-goers heard from federal lawmakers, powersports industry watchdogs and others, all urging the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to correct the unintended consequences of the CPSIA. Designed to curtail the sale of toys containing lead to children 12 years old and younger, the CPSIA inadvertently ensnared youth-model motorcycles and ATVs because certain parts, including batteries and valve stems, may contain lead, which can be harmful to children if ingested.

The AMA, its members and other motorcycle groups have been supporting an industry petition for an exclusion from the regulation ban since early February. Wednesday's rally was organized by industry groups affected by the CPSIA.

Of all the speakers at the rally, perhaps no one captured the problems the law has created for young motorcycle and ATV riders better than a youngster -– an AMA member -- who had to stand on a chair to be seen above the podium.

"My name is Chase Yentzer, and I'm 6 years old. I ride dirtbikes with my family. I race dirtbikes. Please give me my dirtbike back. I promise not to eat it," he said, to thunderous applause.

The rally is one more step in the ongoing battle to convince the CSPC to grant an exemption from the CPSIA for the sale of youth-sized motorcycles and ATVs, noted Ed Moreland, the AMA's vice president of government relations, who also attended the rally.

"Seeing so many motorcyclists and ATVers coming together to fight for their right to enjoy their favorite motorsports with their families really is heartwarming,'' Moreland said. "With the CPSC's vote on an exclusion expected soon, I hope the message is coming through loud and clear that the unintended consequences of the CPSIA should be fixed -- and soon -- for riders, kids, parents, dealers and the entire industry."

For more information about the gathering, visit the rally's website at www.amendthecpsia.com.

Motorcyclists and ATV riders can tell the CPSC how they feel about the ban by visiting the "Issues and Legislation" area of American Motorcyclist: The Official Site of the American Motorcyclist Association. AMA members will also find a self-addressed card in the May issue of American Motorcyclist magazine that they can mail directly to the CPSC.

Interested parties can also sign up to get e-mail Action Alerts in the "Rights" section of American Motorcyclist: The Official Site of the American Motorcyclist Association to keep abreast of issues threatening motorcycling and ATV riding.
Lead law likely to still apply to dirt bikes, ATVs

April 1, 2009
WASHINGTON (AP)  Motorcycle shops apparently won't get a pass on a new anti-lead law that has kept dirt bikes and ATVs for children off showroom floors.Staff members at the Consumer Product Safety Commission have decided against recommending an exemption for all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes. They can have higher-than-allowed levels of lead in the brake and clutch levers, the valve stems on tires, the battery and the steel molding that holds the engine together.
The new law, called the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, was intended to keep lead away from young children by banning the metal, except in small amounts, from products for kids 12 years and under. Lead can cause irreversible learning disabilities and behavioral problems.The motorcycle industry says some bike parts contain small quantities of lead but that the risk of children ingesting the lead is minimal.
The recommendation was announced Wednesday. The commission usually adopts staff recommendations.Industry groups, parents and others who support exemptions to the law spoke at a Capitol Hill news conference ahead of the decision. One of them, a young dirt-bike rider from Carlisle, Pa., drew applause for his appeal."Please let me have my dirt bike," said 6-year-old Chase Yentzer. "I promise I won't eat my dirt bike."
Chase's dad, Rodney, said he can't buy parts anymore for his son's bike. If it breaks down, Chase won't be able to ride or race, his father said.
The CPSC staff report says that the risk of exposure to lead from dirt bikes and ATVs is relatively low. But it adds that the way the law was written allows for no absorption whatsoever of lead into the body, and so the staff recommended against a waiver.
The bigger concern, the report said, is the ban on the sale of youth-model ATVs and dirt bikes. The elimination "will most likely increase the number of adult ATVs purchased to be used by younger children; therefore increasing their risk of injury and death," it said.
Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., has introduced a bill in Congress that would make an exemption for youth dirt bikes and ATVs.Congress passed the product safety law last year in the wake of a record number of recalls of lead-tainted toys. Lawmakers, consumer groups and children's safety advocates praised it, but it's been panned by others as overly broad and so sweeping that it's ensnaring products never imagined  bicycles, books and children's clothing among them.
CPSC is still examining exemptions for bicycles, older books, clothing and other products. There are concerns about the levels of lead in the ink used in older books and the zippers and snaps on children's clothing.Consumer advocates applaud the law, but they also blame the CPSC for bungling the implementation of it."
The CPSC has got to do its job of looking at these cases and making some type of determination on the real-world contact that children are going to have with lead," said Elizabeth Hitchcock, public health advocate at U.S. Public Interest Research Group.
The head of the agency, Nancy Nord, has blamed confusion over the law on Congress for passing a bill with overly rigid deadlines and little or no flexibility on assessing risk of lead exposure.

On the Net:Consumer Product Safety Commission: http://www.cpsc.gov
are you trying to freak me out Jon!! I want to go do donuts on the white house lawn on a PW50!!!!
No, I know!! I appreciate it as does everyone else! We need to remain informed ont hese important issues! Keep it coming!

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