Rhino Axles


La Familia
So who in the H.E. double hockey sticks sells you an axle that does not sell boots for said axle?:mad::mad: Why that would be Super ATV, thats who! Last fall I purchased an axle from them and recently tore a boot, no big deal I thought, I'll just call Super ATV and get one on the way. I called at lunch time today and apparently the guy is still researching. NO REPLACEMENT BOOTS ARE LISTED:mad::mad: Next time I'll spend the extra 150 and get it from Polaris, at least they have boots.

Okay, I'm good.;)
So who in the H.E. double hockey sticks sells you an axle that does not sell boots for said axle?:mad::mad: Why that would be Super ATV, thats who! Last fall I purchased an axle from them and recently tore a boot, no big deal I thought, I'll just call Super ATV and get one on the way. I called at lunch time today and apparently the guy is still researching. NO REPLACEMENT BOOTS ARE LISTED:mad::mad: Next time I'll spend the extra 150 and get it from Polaris, at least they have boots.

Okay, I'm good.;)

Really???!!! That's not good I am running there rhino brand hd axles on my xp. Haven't had any problems yet (knock on wood) but would hate to not be able to get a new boot if that was the only problem.
I grabbed a boot from Polaris because it measures close. I'm taking a break from trying to get he POS axle apart. I'm not having much luck even doing that to try to fit the boot. Never again will I buy Rhino axles, never. Super ATV has yet to return my call so I'm guessing they have nothing. I'm not sure I'll be using them again either. At least call a guy back and tell him he's screwed.
Really???!!! That's not good I am running there rhino brand hd axles on my xp. Haven't had any problems yet (knock on wood) but would hate to not be able to get a new boot if that was the only problem.

It seems to be a decently tough axle, hopefully your luck is better man.
Well it's trashed. I gave the inner race a few good whacks as prescribed in Super ATV's instructional video and the joint is trashed. I'm guessing the groove that the retainer ring is in isn't chamfered so the POS won't come apart with out a Victor wrench. I've seen that before in Chinese axles. I guess the Rhino axle is just that, just another Chinese piece of shit. Good luck Cwb, I hope all goes well with yours man.
Lets see some pics so I can see what I have to look forward too.

Sorry bro, already deposited in the trash. You can watch a video on you tube on how to change the boots, I really hope it goes better for other guys including yourself. I see they offer boots for the RZR axles so hopefully that indicates that they're repairable. I'm guessing this is why this particular axle has no boots available (because the POS doesn't come apart).
s2k1 is wicked smart and has it right.........best combo hands down, 570 cv/boot with SB axels....and if you are prone to pinholes or run areas with agro brush find a dez shop and order some leather boot covers.....

long live the Flying Banana
UPDATE:I'm a whore, sadly, there is no other explanation:eek:. Shortly after I ranted about this Speedyangie called and talked me into fishing the axle out of the garbage and getting it to Slowpokejay. She claimed he could repair it and would be way cheaper and better than throwing it out. So skeptically I put on my trash diggin' hat and got it to him via XPirate seeing as he was going to be meeting Jay anyhow. I'm telling you guys I pulled out every trick in my book but it would appear that Jay had one that I didn't. A few days later Jay called and it was ready for service. I used it for a few rides and all was well until Trukindave's son (who's videos we all enjoy) was shooting video on top of a obstacle that the Short Bus was just not destined to climb, no matter how hard I pushed it:eek: I broke the splined shaft off of the outer which caused the Miller Jeep Trail 3 wheels and a ski incident. After putting off that repair due to lack of funding for some time I decided the other day that was time start fixing it.

All I need is the outer CV replacement kit. Seems like no big deal right? Yea, except thats not available for my axle:rolleyes: The guy on the phone at Super ATV and the manager see the craziness in this, thank goodness, just like me. It's agreed that I will box up the old axle and ship it to them. I'm 2 weeks beyond the warranty but they don't mind. After they look at it they'll call me for a $50 payment and ship me a complete axle. I called to spend $80 on an outer replacement kit and may wind up with an entire axle for $50 even though I'm past the warranty. If this works out, I may have to eat a little crow;)

Now onto the rest of the history of my life, hell you made it this far:D:D.........
Crunch crunch crunch crunch. That's the sound of me eating crow. Super ATV did in fact put another brand new axle on UPS today, for $50. Bastards, now I have to take it all back. Bastards. I need a few more parts for the Short Bus and now seems a little wrong to not buy from SuperATV, good bastards.
Glad to hear the short bus will be back in business. Sorry to hear what you had to go through but glad that everything worked out. Seems that good things happen to good people

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