>>> RAGE AT NIGHT - Coming to Cal-City <<<


The PURE UTV "150" Night Race in Cal City is going to be one of the best race courses we have ever laid out. The race will start Saturday, July 18, at 8 p.m. There will be pre-running on Friday and part of the day on Saturday morning. Entries must be in no later than 6 p.m. on Friday (Jul 17) to be included in the drawing for starting positions. Go to www.averaci8ng.com for details.

In the meantime, attached are several flyers and entry form and poss. course.15-PURE-150-Rage-at-night-Mar26.JPG 15-Pure-150-Jul-May26.JPG 15-PURE-150-Jul18-33mi-May23..jpg
Will there be any measures to deal with tweekers in station wagons trying to kill racers like last year?
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The sheriff finally put them away about six months ago. They were missing all their teeth so what does that tell you???

15-PURE-150-Rage-at-night-Mar26.JPG 15-Pure-150-Jul-May26.JPG
Regardless, ENTRIES ARE NOW OPEN for the "Rage at Night" PURE UTV "150" in Cal City, which starts at 8 p.m. - Saturday night. It is going to be an awesome race!
We've laid out a 31-plus-mile course that has a little bit of everything in it, including a wash that we have not used for years.
We've had to make a couple of changes on the course from what we first posted as a "tentative" course but you know what? It's going to be even better.
The course is never more than 5.2 miles away on a radius, which is easy to chase and retrieve.
If you sign up early, certainly before July 1, you get a free event t-shirt with your entry. Regular price is $20, if you sign up early you get a T-shirt for free and second and third t-shirts for only $10.00 each. Big savings!
Attached is information and the official entry form.

See you soon for a big-time "rager!"


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