Press Release: First Official SR1 Outing


DIRTY iPhone Photog / Lucas Oil - UTVUnderground A

Chandler, AZ (Feb 7, 2010) Weller Racing and a number of SR1 racers are
spending the next two weeks getting their R1 powered Rhinos prepped and ready
for the first official SR1 demo race to be held during the Stadium Kart World
Championship taking place Feb 20-21st. While many SR1's are still being built,
there should be a good turnout of racers who have either had their machines
finished for a while now, or are just now putting the finishing touches on their
race vehicles.

Several Arizona racers will be making the trip to Milestone MX, including Corry
Weller and Tyler Herzog. We are hoping to see a few local California racers on
the track on Feb 21st as well, such as Gary Thompson, Code Rahders and Mike
Valentine. With so much interest in the SR1 class, there will be a good mix of
well-known racers for the 2010 race season as well as a number of racers who are
new to the short course scene. This first event will give everyone a small
taste of what the year holds in store for them in 2010!

We hope spectators and racers alike will come visit us in the pits and check out
the new SR1s up close and in person. We look forward to starting off the new
season with the Stadium Kart World Championship - see you at the races!
This will be an awesome thing to see. Good luck to all of the Weller R1 Rhinos that will be running the demo & good luck to all of the racers running the stadium Karts & Quads. Keep Parker Porter in your thoughts & prayers. Good luck Ken.

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