Yamaha Oil coolers on built Motors

How many guys with built motors (686,720,760,etc) are throwing in a bigger oil cooler?

Is it really needed?
Recommended brand?
I ran a Setrab on my Benchmark 686 race motor, per Chris' suggestion. Worked good.
We built our own kit for our race Teryx. We got the oil filter adaptor from Weller and a cooler, fan, and hoses from Kartek.
i use a derale from kartek. wanna say its in the 160ish range. with fan.
We do run and sell Setrab coolers and I do recommend them as a brand. I like the oil temp at 210-220. You want it hot enough to boil off any condensation that accumilates in the engine.
Application depends on the vehicle and the usage.
thats the one. we have used about 3 of em on different vehicles. someone crossthreaded one of the bungs, on our end, and i was able to retap and save it. no complaints here, its still on my streetbike rhino in my avatar.
Thanks for the feedback- thanks Chris for your recommendation as well. I'll actually be headed down to Benchmark soon so you guys can install/tune my new motor.

I just bought a 720cc. I'm considering upgrading from the stock oil cooler. The last thing I need is over-heating issues. I already bought a Fluidyne radiator.

TCP has a bitchen oil cooler but its $300 + tax/shipping. Leaning towards the Derale oil cooler right now. Thinking under the hood like this:

you can use the stock rhino oil cooler, but get it away from the radiator and put a fan on it, it will work well.

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