Official Introduction

American Rock Rods

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I'm relatively new to this site, but not to the OHV world.

My name is Chris Barnett, I work for ARR, which is right outside Denver. We aren't a vendor here yet, so I'm not going to advertise anything(for now), but mainly we are a chassis and custom part manufacturer, and retail distributor for about a thousand different companies.

In our spare time we play around with both Jeeps and UTV's. So far we have a small fleet, one Teryx, one 2008 RZR, a pair of 2009 RZR S models, and a pair of the new XP's. None of them are stock, but none of them are turbocharged either. We have paddles for all, Pit Bulls and beadlocks for all but one, HCR longarm kits on everything but the XP's, but that will change soon.

We raced KOH last year, and broke 9 miles in. So we raced two RZR's this year in Production 850, and both finished, first and third in class. A much needed improvement!

We take multiple treks a year to Moab, and multiple trips to Glamis. Plus we try to go out here in Colorado as often as possible. You'll randomly find us in a Jeep pretty much anywhere there are rocks, and we have pretty capable Jeeps, so those rocks are going to be big ones.

We know a lot of people on this site, and while Bill has an account here, I did not, neither did the shop, so I set one up so I could quit lurking in the background.

We're easy to find! KOH every year, running Werock dirt riot this year, Easter Jeep Safari, Rally on the Rocks, plus our random trips to Glamis(usually big weekends). Hopefully I can find the UTVunderground guys next time I'm out!
Hey Chris, welcome aboard.
I'm a neighbor to the south, in New Mexico. Do alot of riding up in Colorado, it's almost my second home.
Looking forward to riding Moab with you at Easter Jeep Safari and the Dirt Riot Series..

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