Merry Christmas (Donald)


Banned Por Vida
For all who weren't paying attention this week (or last when your kids were getting the shaft )...
.. here is your Christmas dinner conversation topic (or should be) so that your children can worry about something else other than the crappy public education that everybody around the table refuses to speak a word about, fight or change for them (or your future grandchildren):

(keep in mind that this is written by a sitting legislator with a front row seat):
(I don't listen to Rush much anymore yet he was spot on describing what you probably don't want your kids/grandkids to hear/educate themselves on as well):

...and people still wonder how Perot did almost 20%...
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um I come here to get my daily dose of UTV bullshit !! I personally think your a few cards short of a full deck and I could have just skipped right past this but that would not allowed me to voice my thoughts on a public forum also ... im guessing that you have been banned from most if not all other forums and most quite neighborhood bars for running off all the people you come in contact with !! I would suggest at this time you make a solid commitment to getting ahold of DR Phil since Jerry Springer is no longer doing his show ! another great thing of therapy for you might be to get a Dog .. you see dogs jump on you when you come home from a day at work and wag their tails and shit so you will think that dog loves you and wants to hear you talk but in all reality he just wants a fucking biscuit but im sure it will make you feel better .. if the dog runs away and im giving that a pretty good probability before the holidays try aromatherapy Happy Holidays MOFUCKER !!!
Full bore Polaris sponsorship apparently brings out the best in folks as the above is certainly 'mild' as compared to what (Polaris) has been encouraging up here all year long in 2015.

Thanks, guys.

You've made my next UTV purchase decision a whole lot easier from what has transpired here on this forum.
If I can't even allow my kid to read what a company is sponsoring and encouraging in their top tier of products(?)..that company isn't worth sponsoring or encouraging either.

Polaris has been intentionally looking the other way for far too long now in more ways than just their #1 marketing board or who they throw money at on a regular basis.

A lot of us out here don't get mad, take the bait or even say anything.

We say volumes more with our dollars.
Go yamaha

I'm thinking that my next machine will be a Honda as it sure won't (ever) be a Polaris (again).
Too much happened this year in the heavily sponsored 1900 class alone to confirm for me at least that the latter is less than honorable in terms of how they conduct their business or more importantly respect their customers/fans.

Keep in mind that we started off here simply stating facts in this thread and educating those who might not have been aware of history being made this week and last.

How the above immediately degrades in to expletives surrounding Christmas is a reflection on Polaris (other top tier sponsors having been encouraged to act similarly up here) and was simply the last straw for me in terms of ever supporting anything to do with their company again.

LOL we will never know !! you see as you hide behind your keyboard acting as a fan but quoting and talking nonsense as if a presidential candidate but from behind your keyboard with your batman mask on with threats to the utv class, your unfounded talk about safely from nerfing to putting our co driver lives at risk all with NO real Knowledge well ya
Dont you worry one bit I can afford my own racing program so if Polaris Cuts me from the deck for Freedom of Speech at least they know Im not a keyboard pud wacker hiding my true identity trying to better the world thru a internet forum

Im sure am saddened with the thought that I said something that offended you to the point that I will no longer be able to sign on to this offroad racing sight every morning and get my Cultural History updates with your epic updates and that I might have missed the Proces-Verbal and Famous quotes by our Great American Rush Limbaugh whom by the way you might want to tell your Kids he has never had a job besides Radio, never had to make payroll on friday, been Married 4 yes 4 times, had a big addiction to opioids, made 79 million last year um
thats somebody to look up to !!
"".. threats to the utv class, your unfounded talk about safely from nerfing to putting our co driver lives at risk all with NO real Knowledge well ya
Dont you worry one bit I can afford my own racing program..."

#1)...Nobody has ever threatened the utv class other than to warn teams and sponsors (mainly manufacturers) that somebody will most likely be maimed or killed in the near future due to the rules not being enforced and teams claiming that those enforcing them are just fine with the rules being ignored...

#2) ...any manufacturer sponsored racing series which allows the above reflects on the sponsors themselves. When manufacturers proudly display their company names on cars with bumpers purposely fabricated to cause the most damage/carnage possible in direct conflict with not only the rules but common sense safety considerations?...customers/fans don't blame an entire class but those encouraging said reckless behavior...

3)...affording your own racing program is not the point; nor do any of us worry about it. Polaris obviously supports whoever wins regardless of how this is accomplished. Whether they ever withdraw their future support from those sharing that same philosophy this will be too little/too late for me. What I'm saying out here at the lowly (mere) long-time Polaris customer level is that I'm no longer supporting them for this win-at-all-costs (including ignoring safety at the expense of obvious potential injury/death) attitude. In addition, I refuse to support race teams selling products connected with this farce that has become the Polaris supported 1900 class in 2015 and beyond.

When you speak of Polaris possibly cutting you "from the deck" due to your right to free speech...perhaps it would help if that wealth tempered indignation was applied to the rest of us who...OK...never mind.

Whatever the understanding of us out here at the peon customer fan/level...Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I'm thinking that my next machine will be a Honda as it sure won't (ever) be a Polaris (again).
Too much happened this year in the heavily sponsored 1900 class alone to confirm for me at least that the latter is less than honorable in terms of how they conduct their business or more importantly respect their customers/fans.

Keep in mind that we started off here simply stating facts in this thread and educating those who might not have been aware of history being made this week and last.

How the above immediately degrades in to expletives surrounding Christmas is a reflection on Polaris (other top tier sponsors having been encouraged to act similarly up here) and was simply the last straw for me in terms of ever supporting anything to do with their company again.

You already seemed to be on a ship to another brand. So not sure why you continue on about the UTV class and your anger toward Polaris. Makes you sound old and bitter about quite frankly nothing.

Just remember if it were not for Polaris taking an interest in racing and pushing the envelope on new rides none of the other manufactures would have shown interest in this market.

My suggestion is you Go write them a strongly worded letter about your dissatisfaction and how the sky is falling. Maybe seeing the words you writing will let you reflect on some of your silly and off the wall comments.

Enjoy your holiday with your family and friends and you can discuss all your theories with them.
"..Just remember if it were not for Polaris taking an interest in racing and pushing the envelope on new rides none of the other manufactures would have shown interest in this market..."

#1..."Racing" PERIOD (despite I'm certain at least some contrary belief here) has had absolutely nothing to do with "other manufacturers" entering this market. To say that the 1900 class is somehow akin to even NASCAR in this respect is ludicrous at best. Polaris somehow "taking an interest in racing" is also a perversion of history in this same respect .
#2..Polaris "pushing the envelope on new rides" did not translate in to every other manufacturer out there sitting on their hands had they not (they didn't even invent the category; Yamaha did).

"...Makes you sound old..."

...or perhaps old enough to know better....or old enough to have actually owned the true groundbreaker in this segment the very month that it first appeared (and again, it sure as heck wasn't a Polaris).
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Well I to owned a Rhino and remember when it was first released. I had one within a few years of it being released. Yes it started the craze, but Polaris took it and ran with it.

So you think Can Am was coming with the Maverick even if there was no XP900? You think Can Am was releasing the Defender series no matter what and had no influence on the sales of the Ranger line?
Honda Pioneer was going to be released just because?

Polaris may not be the first to release it, but they push the competition once they enter the market.
Yamaha didn't invent the sport or racing category. The general public did when they built long travel for it! And then cut off 90% of the factory cage and bodywork and built their own.

And if Polaris did not get into the side-by-side category, then we would probably be 70 or 80 hp right now.

I'm trying my best not to read any of It'sYuorLegacy's comments or post. But it's like driving by a car crash and trying not to look!
I simply have a lot more faith in what any competitor with Polaris is all about and exactly why they bring game-changing products to the market at any given time.
What's out there already or what the next advance might be elsewhere (IF it works)?....a 'consideration' at best for those company engineers priding themselves on operating at a QC/engineered level resembling anything but Polaris in 2015 (throw in their screwed up racing program here as well).
Yamaha and Honda weren't 'pushed' to develop ('possibly') bulletproof trannies/drivelines this year or what Polaris wasn't even coming close to producing this side of a (still) belt-driven turbo (a motor design/HP gain which they punted on as well).
They chose what Polaris wasn't producing (or couldn't) in these two areas and instead changed the face of this sport (most likely) forever.

If that's "..none of the other manufacturers would have shown interest in this market.." (if not for Polaris)
...then I can't wait for these other guys to show us what they have been testing (lately) in the desert and out on the tight/twisty mountain trails (all thanks and due to 'Polaris'...of course).
"...if Polaris did not get into the side-by-side category, then we would probably be 70 or 80 hp right now.."

If I was an engineer for CanAm, Yamaha, Honda or anybody else out there who wasn't necessarily a fanboy for or directly employed by Polaris?...I'd go home tonight and tell my wife or husband that I simply gave up and was thinking of moving the family to Minnesota to beg for a job if they'll take me.

It never ceases to amaze me how little sense of history people have of late...yet then again they probably quit teaching or encouraging the study of same in the 70's...or whenever the first hippie college graduates infiltrated our school systems.

Probably the most ridiculous statement that I've heard to date regarding how any market works (this side of the one preceeding it).
Hippie K-12 educators started showing up fresh from our progressive institutions of higher learning (primarily) in the 1960's.
Like today, our kids could still learn (even back then) how to hate America and those who fought to protect it without question so that the rest of us could live free.

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