KOH 2012 Feb 10


UTVUndeground La Familia
KOH - Schedule - http://ultra4racing.com/the-inside-line/2012-griffin-king-of-the-hammers-full-week-schedule/

KOH News letter - http://myemail.constantcontact.com/...-News.html?soid=1103760552326&aid=wosX0BKqXes

Pre KOH Wristbands - save $5.00 - http://ultra4racing.com/the-inside-line/2012-king-of-the-hammers-tickets-for-sale/

Johnson Valley Feb 6-12

Just firmed up our plans to go. Looks like a week long trip for us.

This is for us non-racing tourists :cool:

Here's some inspiration if you need it

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7axH7iaPQ0"]King of the Hammers 2011:"Valley of the Kings" Official Trailer #1 - HeavyMetalConcepts/Hammerking - YouTube[/ame]

We need a name for this place?

Underground City ?
UTV Town ?
Underground Town ?

Let's hear some ideas.

Anyone else?

1. J&M
2. speedyangie
4. bmzero
3. Simi Dude
4. TeamGreen
5. PB - Hopefull
6. Cisco Kid
7. Class 51600
8. Crowdog - 2 rigs
9. Darryl89 - 1 fifthwheel and utv trailer, arriving Sunday
10. George & Kathy
11. Deb Roy and Tay
12. Norcal XP<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
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Will talk to Toni to start making arrangements. I loved that video, when I raced it took a lot longer but it was not as hard as this type of racing.
I'll be there again this year, making the long driver from Alabama. I'll be out there about a month before the race. This year, I guarantee I'll make it past the 2 mile marker. :D
I started a list on the 1st post and will keep it updated so we know who's going and how many acres to save for the Underground :cool:
planning on 2 SxS'x from WI and a friends buggy from IA...Not sure on arrival yet, guessing the 4th or 5th. Goal, as always, is to be back home for Valentines :)

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