Kawasaki Teryx 4 Belt Change


I had to put the old one back on since the Dealer failed me.

Here is the tool I built to hold the back drive pulley.

You can use an impact wrench to get it off and put it back on without this tool, but if you want to set the proper torque this makes it a snap.

It uses the bolts that hold the seat down. so you don't need any additional hardware.

Old belt had 25 MM of play so I am still within specs. I will run this belt at Moab next week, and have the correct spare if anything goes wrong, as well as my new tool. LOL.
Jeff, did you need any type of puller (like a long threaded bolt) to remove either of your T4 pulleys? I've had two dealers tell me I need a special clutch pulley removal tool for that job (including Pete at your shop). A counterman from our local dealer even brought one up to the counter from the shop to show me (only $100).

After looking at the procedure in my factory service manual, it appears the only special tools Kawasaki notes in a belt R&R are to hold each pulley while removing/reattaching the retaining nut (like the one you made- Nice!).

I intend to carry a spare belt onboard, but want to have a fighting chance of installing it on the trail if need be.

Our T4 only has about 300 hours on it, so I'm not expecting any belt issues for a while. Still, I'd like to know your impressions on what it would take for a field replacement on one of these T4 belts.

no puller needed, most other brands do need a puller for the primary clutches. Kawi does not need any special tools to remove the clutches. Make sure to blow out all of the old belt dust out when replacing the belt.
Thanks for the confirmation! Being a new model, I guess the dealers probably haven't had to get into a belt on the T4 yet.

Also for anyone interested, the factory wear specs for a T4 belt don't seem to have anything to do with belt deflection.

Imagine two straight edges placed along either side of the belt (narrow V shape). There is a range of belt width, measured across the top of the belt, between these two imaginary straight edges. I don't remember the dimension at the moment, but can post the info if anyone is interested.

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