Johnny Angal San Felipe 250 Race Report


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2015 San Felipe race report Polaris RZR racing

First off I would like to thank all of our great sponsors that make this possible; Polaris RZR XP1000, Fox racing shocks, ITP tires, Method race wheels, Lone Star Racing suspension, Wolf Designs wraps, PCI race radios, Rigid Industries led lighting.

Also the guys who help with our Ford F-350 chase trucks: General Tire, XTC motorsports, Wolf Designs and CR Designs custom paint.

Coming off of our win at the ‘Best In The Desert Parker 250’ we had heard from a couple of people that the San Felipe 250 race was a rough race, but we had no idea how rough it really was. We wanted to take every advantage we had at our disposal and felt like going down a couple of days early to prerun the race course would be a great idea. So i called up my brother, Al, and asked if he wanted to go down on Tuesday to help us get some prerunning done. Before I was done asking he said he “was in”! So my co-driver, Boner, my brother and myself headed down to San Felipe at 5AM on Tuesday morning to check out the race course and see what was in store for us. We would be prerunning in my other Polaris RZR XP4 1000 that was set up kind of like our racer. About 1PM after driving all morning we arrive at mile 40 of the race course. It is close to the highway so we unload and head out with plans of prerunning from mile 40 to approx. mile 125. My brother is driving the truck and trailer about 10 miles down the road to race mile 125. He will sit and wait till we come around because this section is a big loop that crosses the road twice during the race. Everything goes well with the prerunning but we quickly learn that the San Felipe 250 is not to be taken lightly. It is brutal! With miles of whoops, washed out drop offs, big rocks, hills, etc, etc. It turns out to be the most punishing race course we have encountered to date.


So after three days of getting tossed around in the prerunner, knowing that on Saturday we will need to race the course going as fast as we can. We will race in blinding dust, during the night, after 130 or so other racers tear up the race course even more. They will kick even more large rocks into the track. They churn the dirt into silt beds that are so deep when we get to them the front of our car hits it and throws it up into the air in front of our faces and it’s so thick we are blinded while driving. The tire ruts they dig with their 800 and 900 horsepower are so deep the bottom of our car drags on the ground for miles.

Ok, so on Thursday afternoon my second chase truck shows up. It has the enclosed trailer, race car and the rest of the team; Craig, Nate, Jeremy and Richard. Boner and I are just getting done with the last day of prerunning and we are beat up. We head to town for some lunch and to let the guys can check it all out. Tomorrow is Friday, contingency day, a day to parade the car through town and have it inspected. All goes well and we head to the drivers meeting they have before every race. I get interviewed by Score and head to the meeting. It’s the same thing: be safe, no cheating, no blocking other racers - if you get caught move over and let the guy behind you pass, etc. etc.

We leave the driver meeting and as we get to the trucks we see that one of our competitors has stuck his stickers on our truck. It’s a fun thing we all do, once in a while, and the stickers peel right off so it is no big deal. Well, we learn this guy bought some cheap ass 2 cent paper stickers that don’t peel off. I am pissed, thinking to myself ‘that is pretty shitty”. I call and leave a shitty message on his answering machine ... actually more about this later.


Oh, oh, wait, I missed some funny shit … So sometime before the meeting we are taking a couple of pictures from the 3rd floor balcony of our hotel and figure ‘hey let’s all go up to the 11th floor and take some pictures!” All of us except for Richard get in the elevator and head up to the Penthouse Suite floor. Richard had to run back to his room to rub one out or something. Anyway, it is so cool, the elevator door opens and the whole floor is still under construction. We step out to check it out and we are seeing how the whole hotel is built. Let me tell you this, I don’t think there are any “building codes” and definitely no building inspector, LOL. So we get our pictures, Nate and I, standing by the elevator door and you won’t believe this. Nate says “There is no elevator door button.” I look and to my disbelief concur and tell the others ‘we are screwed’. We all start laughing, yep, we are stranded on the top floor! I forgot to mention there is no staircase at the hotel at all. So we are stranded until Richard makes his way up to meet us and lets us back on the elevator.

Continued Below!
So even more bad stuff happened that same evening. As we are sitting downtown to have a couple of soda pops, our two chase trucks are sitting about an 1/8th mile down the street. 4 or 5 parking spots open up right in front of us so Richard asks “hey, you want us to pull the trucks over here?” Good idea I think and hand him the keys to the one I am driving. A few minutes later he comes walking back with a Mexican fellow right behind him. He proceeds to tell me “uh, I just backed into this guy’s truck!!!” ‘Oh shit’ I think but it shouldn’t be a big deal. I have bought Mexico insurance but I am still kind of worried about the cops showing up. I have heard storing of people getting arrested and trucks getting impounded. So I try and talk with the gentleman, asking him what he thinks it will cost to replace his bumper, taillight and fix the dent in the truck. He rambles off something in Spanish and the only thing I get out of it is the word ‘mil’ and from racing the Baja 1000 I think that ‘mil’ in Spanish is 1000. So I am thinking he wants $1000.00 for the damage we did to his truck. That does not seem unreasonable to me, so i count out 1000 dollars for him, he nods his head, we shake hands, I tell him I am very sorry and I move the truck.

Race day: I am kind of nervous, kind of excited, but ready to go! We don’t line up till around 11AM so around 9:30 we send Chase Truck 1 to race mile 80. This is the top northern part of the race course. The reason we send them there is just in case we break down or need a spare part as we are driving by. The second truck heads out to race mile 40 about a half hour later for the same reason. Boner and I head to the parking lot in the race car where they are staging all the racers for their starting positions. After about ten minutes of BSing with other UTV racers we get back in the car and buckle in. I tell Boner make sure his harnesses (seat belts) are extra tight as this is going to be one rough ride! He knows because he just pre ran the race course and agrees it will be the roughest Baja race we have yet to race.

So we get up to the starting line and we are starting second in our class. First UTV is off the line and we pull up. 30 seconds later we are off and running! We are on a black top street and then onto a couple mile long straight dirt road lined with racing fans! I am not nervous anymore, I am not excited, I am ready to do what I got do to get to the finish line first! We catch the leader very fast, probably 5 miles from the starting line. We start passing Ford Broncos, Class 1600 cars and everything else including tens of thousands of race fans cheering us on. What a rush!

Our first problem comes pretty fast at around race mile 20. We see our tool bag that carries our hand tools and impact gun for tire changes bounce around until it comes open and sheds all the tools behind us on the race course. We posted the video on YouTube if you want to see it all happen, LOL. We call Chase 2 on the PCI 2 way radio and tell them we have lost all tools so make us another tool bag before we get to them. We ask them for a race report (an update on how close the next racer is behind us so we know how hard we have to push) and are told we are first overall. Anyhow, we make it to the truck and they strap a new tool bag to the car and we are off and running. We are still in the lead and we continue to pass other race traffic. We even get to nerf “rear end another racecar that will not pull over and let us pass”. So yah, there is a buggy in front of us that just doesn’t see us, doesn’t hear our race siren, or does not care that we are right behind him getting blasted with rocks and dust from his tires. So I slowly pull forward doing probably 50 MPH and give him a couple of love taps. Woohoo! My first nerf is out of the way and it wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be when two steel bumpers collided together doing 50mph.

Then it happens … My RZR race car slides sideways and the rear passenger tire slams into a huge rock. We have a flat tire, Boner and I talk and I pull over. He jumps out to start the tire change, i light a cigarette and post on Facebook that we have a flat tire. Before I know it Boner jumps back in and we are off! Still in first place. It only took him 3 ½ minutes to change the flat. I tell him great job and start racing again. Sliding around corners, hitting whoops, slamming on the brakes so we don’t fly into large washes.

Then, I am guessing around mile 65, the car starts handling weird and is pulling to one side as I hit the gas. I am guessing we broke an axle. We radio ahead to Chase 2 and tell them we are getting close and think we have a broken axle as well as we need the flat spare tire replaced. As we pull in to the pits Nate, Craig and Richard get to work on the RZR and get us fixed up and back in the race. We are still in first place so we are tickled and racing again! We continue to pass other racers in trucks, buggies, etc. As I said earlier 140 other race cars started before we did so there are cars being worked on every place and some in the middle of no place. All broken down and scattered around the race course.

We charge on and around race mile 120 it happens again. The car start pulling to one side every time I accelerate. We charge on and at some point call Chase 2 and tell them with our planned fuel stop we will also have to have an axle swap done. Chase 2 has my brother Al, Jeremy and that’s it. All they were supposed to do is a quick fuel fill for us, nothing mechanical. So again Boner will jump out and help them. As I pull my helmet off and take a breather we pull into the pits still in first place. They start working on the car and they get it patched up.

Boner jumps back in as we are pulling out Scott McFarland in his Polaris RZR just started to pass us. We get back in the lead but are on the main whooped out race line. He takes a better line and gets around us again. We are hauling ass and hit a large drop off in the road with a small wash out in it so hard that it feels like my right arm was just tore from my body. I ask Boner “Are you OK?” he says “Yes” and he asks me “You OK?” My arm is now in my lap and I am not sure that it is ok but we are still racing bouncing from one side of the road to the other in the gnarliest whoops i have ever seen. I am still having to drive with one hand and he asks again if I am ok. I tell him yes but I am really not sure at this point. We catch up and slowly pass Scott McFarland again to regain the lead just as he is stopping for a pit stop. We have about 7 miles to go until we get to the long awaited dry lake bed. This is the only long smooth fast section of the race course and my arm is feeling better as we start the dry lake bed. We are hitting 80+ mph and yet again disaster strikes.

Our clutch belt starts slipping so I have to back off the gas and let it cool down. The miles and miles of sand and gravel washes have taken a toll on the car but we charge ahead. We finally get to the end of the dry lake bed at mile 170ish. We are back in soft sand and silt and our belt overheats again. So we pull over, Boner jumps out, LOL, lots of Boner jumping in this race. Anyway he jumps out and does a quick belt change and we are off again. Still leading the pack but we are not done with the problems as we are beating the car hard. Harder than it has been beat before but that’s how we race. 100% go big or go home. We are talking with each other in the car saying how nobody is going to believe this shit if we win another race.

Shortly thereafter coming into a corner I hit the brakes and the pedal goes all the way to the floor, no brakes. I tell Boner and make light work of it with no brakes, no pun intended but we charge on another ten miles or so. Boner jumps out again to see if it’s a loose line or what. The brake line has come loose and he cannot spot the leak right away so he jumps back in and we continue on. Someplace in the dark of night with no brakes we hit a rock with the driver side front a little too hard. Yup, another flat! Boner, the poor guy, has to jump out again and change a flat as we can’t reach speeds faster the 35mph in the heavy gravel and sand. As he is getting done with the tire change the 1942 car of Scott McFarland gets around us. We know with no brakes and only 20 miles to go that we will be lucky to even hold onto 2nd place.

We lose about 6 minutes to him and pull up 6 minutes and 48 seconds later to the finish line in second place. After passing over 80 other vehicles that started in front of us … 149 total entries and only 89 finishers. So you can say it was a hard earned 2nd place. I would like to thank everyone who has helped along the way and during all the races. Also thank YOU for taking the time in reading these reports. I enjoy writing them and reading everyone’s reactions to the reports."

Thanks Johnny! We love getting to read your race reports and appreciate you taking the time to do them,
Johnny has gift for racing and telling stories. Enjoy these reports. And yea, WTF up stickers??? Left us hanging.

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