Jenner Racing's new sponsor STI ROCTANE tire test


So after buying my car breaking the motor in and entering in 2 long distance races and completing 10% of each race... at a "crusing long distance pace" I realized I have never got to rip on my wildcat...

yup, a fully built wildcat that had never been ripped on... sad... it was time for me to enjoy the $$$ I have spent...

I thought the video/s turned out pretty cool... enjoy... gotta love UTVs :) I think this video is a good example of how badass and fun these cars are... we live in good times... :cool:

On a side note... two days prior to this video I had lost the keys to my diesel since I put them on the Wildcat while unloading the trailer(I knew it was bad idea when I did it)... of course I forgot and took off... Well for two days I did circles in the dez with my lil 70cc looking for the keys, only to give up last night and call a lock smith to meet me today... well last night while uploading the videos I noticed my diesel keys go flying off the back! lol I guess they had gotten stuck down in the chassis somewhere... anyway... enjoy the laugh on this one... shoulda seen the look of shock and joy when I saw those fkers go flying at the 1:50 mark... all my trailer keys on it etc. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!

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thanks fellas! sure was fun!

if anyone was curious... here is the front view...


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