Jade Helm Military Operation


Ok, so totally off-topic but I have recently been reading and have gotten quite intrigued with the military's Jade Helm unconventional warfare training that is taking place for a few months throughout the Southwest.

Curious what any of you Texas members think about this as Texas will be the main stomping grounds for the operation.

For those who don't know what it is, google it...
I'm not a Texas member however I am in the military stationed at Ft Bragg nc and I can tell you this type of training is what we need to stay with the times. The days of jungle warfare and fighting postions similary to the world wars are over. Nowadays then ever we are going after small groups in heavily developed urban envirnments not entire Armies. Going to other cities and training gives us the ability to train outside of our comfort area (home).
Thanks for posting Pat.

I agree, our Military needs to train for its modern environments in warfare. I am intrigued by all the conspiracy theories around Jade Helm right now.
i remember reading something about this awhile ago and i thought it got canceled.

Sounds like that didnt happen and i need to read up.
Ironic the exercise is in Texas, the biggest gun-toting state in the nation. The US Government is readying themselves for what lies just a few months or so ahead. Obama is just dying to declare Martial Law (and in all 50 states if he can pull it off), and when he does, watch your freedoms and life as you know it be stripped from you like rank from a court marshaled Sargent.
The executive orders that he has signed during his terms as president, allots the US Government the power to take over financial institutions, utility companies, detain law abiding citizens with out just cause or immediate representation, the list goes on and on. These orders can legally take affect under Martial Law, and he signed them without the requirement of a house or senate vote. At least 1,200 of them! I'm amazed to learn of the atrocities our elected officials have been part of.
Don't ever give up your firearms. As a matter of fact, acquire more, but do not register them,. There will be a knock on your door someday, and you will be forced to comply. The warnings have been forthcoming for some time now. Even Presidential hopeful Ron Paul publicly speaks out about the very exact issues I've mentioned here. Yeah, call me crazy, but you wont forget what I am claiming here when the shit hits the fan.
They are doing some of the training here in Utah, a lot more low key than the Texas stuff, but it is interesting to see the guard convoys more often than just the once a month like they normally do
Don't worry boys I'm in the Army and there is no way he could convince any of us to go after our own.

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But if you do not enforce Martial Law and the executive orders that will undoubtedly accompany it, then you will be court marshaled, which will be grounds for your internment. I firmly believe that a global disaster is just around the corner. The world governments are hiding from the general public, events they know are coming. They've been planning for disaster and a subsequent government takeover of the people (or the "New World Order", as some call it. A worldwide unified government, with a unified currency) since the Regan era. The Hubble telescope saw something long ago that threatens our existence. There is a reason for crop circles and the 300% increase in UFO sightings over this same period last year. There is a reason why Fort Knox is empty of the majority of all the worlds gold it once held. Russia asked for their gold back, but we didn't have it to give to them because it was stolen by our government to fund Black Ops programs, such as tunneling an underground labyrinth of over 120 shelters that span from the east to the west coasts, with the massive shelter under the newly constructed Denver airport acting as the central hub. They are all linked together by a high speed magnetic rail system, capable of speeds approaching mach 2, or 1,500 miles per hour.
Yellowstone, one of the largest "Super Volcanoes" in the world, is all but ready to erupt. One of the main roads in the park was closed down just last week due to the underground magma chambers working their way closer to the surface. The road temp was measured at over 150 deg. F, which is causing it to crack and buckle. New steam vents are popping up everywhere.
There are no less than 3 major faults on the west coast that are far over due for major shifting. 2 are on 140 year cycles, and its been about 240 years since their last major activity. Seattle, Portland, and many more northwestern coastal cities.... goodbye. It is estimated that over 10,000 will die instantly, and the quake will be above 10 on the Richter scale, causing a wave over 100 feet high, and 500 miles long to hit Japan shortly thereafter.
Isis is gaining a foot hold in Iraq, now controlling more than 30% of the country. Taking advantage of over 500 billion dollars worth of planes, boats, tanks, Humvees, artillery and small arms like hand held rocket launchers that we just left behind upon departing from Iraq. They are now better armed than the Iraqi army. The list of assets we vacated is endless. There is a reason why we didn't bring it back, or at least blow up and disable all of this military equipment before we left Iraq. There is a reason why an Isis army of only 7,000 troops forced over 40,000 US trained Iraqi solders to drop their weapons on the spot and run when they invaded Iraq earlier this year.
Speaking of the middle east, here's an example of just how messed up our Government has become:
Back in March, while U.S. warplanes were were busy providing air support to Iranian-backed militias in Tikrit in efforts to fight off ISIS, they were also busy in Yemen providing guidance to Saudi pilots bombing Iranian backed Shia insurgents. So in short, the U.S. was bombing Iran’s enemies in one country, and simultaneously helping to bomb Iran’s allies in another.
Then, there's DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and their application of HAARP, The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program which is blowing holes through our ionosphere, causing long term damage to our atmosphere, and severely limiting it's ability to protect our planet from the plasma radiation constantly being projected in our direction by solar flares on the surface of the sun. Global warming and the greenhouse effect are all over hyped, and pale in comparison the what damage these artificial technologies are causing to our atmosphere.
Then, there's the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, located on the Swiss border. Smashing sub atomic particles together at nearly the speed of light. This is not just another particle accelerator. The results of these collisions creates dark and anti matter. We have no idea the consequences when creating these sub atomic anomalies, nor experience in safely storing and isolating them from natural matter.. Many think they are trying to open a portal of some kind. For those who do not believe in extra-terrestrial intelligence ,or the reality that we have been, and continue to be visited by said entities, I say this:
In 1974, we sent a message into space in the form of radio waves via a large radio telescope located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. In 2001, Earth received a response to that message in the form of a crop circle located adjacent to Britain's largest radio telescope known as "Chilbolton". The return message was a geometric copy of what we sent out 20+ years earlier. Very similar to the Jody Foster movie "Contact". You can link to the story here:
Don't forget about North Korea. That effen nutcase will nuke us the minute he can develop or get his hands on a delivery system he can attach a warhead to that will reach North America. I know someone whom I will not identify that is a Marine, and just got sent out to Guam on a 6 month tour. Once there, he will be deployed, most likely to North Korea. That's right, inside the borders of North Korea, where they unlawfully jail western journalists for years, only for the sake of practicing Christianity. He said their nuclear program is getting too far advanced,. and needs to be destroyed. I fear for his return, or lack of it.
Then there are the Chinese, and the Soviets. Staunch Communists who combined have the ability to wipe us off of the map with their nuclear arsenals. Putin publicly declares he wants to return his military's strength to a pre cold war status. Russian long range nuclear bombers routinely fly missions only 50 miles off of the California coastline as a spiteful sign of military power, in response to our humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine, and the sanctions placed upon them as punishment for their occupation and invasion of the Ukraine by the U.S. and UN. All along, he denies any occupation whatsoever, whilst his military troops plow through there planting fear and forcing their compliance to his ways. Cutting off their electrical and water supplies when they don't cooperate. Raping and pillaging their little country all along the way.

I just outlined 6 very real, documented possibilities of world changing, or even life ending events that would empower the US govt. to invoke Martial law upon us. Do not take this Training mission in Texas lightly.
For the record, I failed to mention the millions of rounds of hollow point and .223 caliber sniper-type bullets the US govt. purchased in the last year. Or the hundreds of thousands of so called "casket liners" they've purchased (which are actually large plastic boxes with lids. Too big to fit into any coffin I've ever seen, but perfectly sized to fit 5-10 bodies in each container, with a sealed cover) It is no mystery that our world has become over populated, and many are suffering as a result..
I can back up every claim made here as fact, via web links if anyone doubts the authenticity of this post. Sweet dreams!.
But if you do not enforce Martial Law and the executive orders that will undoubtedly accompany it, then you will be court marshaled, which will be grounds for your internment. I firmly believe that a global disaster is just around the corner. The world governments are hiding from the general public, events they know are coming. They've been planning for disaster and a subsequent government takeover of the people (or the "New World Order", as some call it. A worldwide unified government, with a unified currency) since the Regan era. The Hubble telescope saw something long ago that threatens our existence. There is a reason for crop circles and the 300% increase in UFO sightings over this same period last year. There is a reason why Fort Knox is empty of the majority of all the worlds gold it once held. Russia asked for their gold back, but we didn't have it to give to them because it was stolen by our government to fund Black Ops programs, such as tunneling an underground labyrinth of over 120 shelters that span from the east to the west coasts, with the massive shelter under the newly constructed Denver airport acting as the central hub. They are all linked together by a high speed magnetic rail system, capable of speeds approaching mach 2, or 1,500 miles per hour.
Yellowstone, one of the largest "Super Volcanoes" in the world, is all but ready to erupt. One of the main roads in the park was closed down just last week due to the underground magma chambers working their way closer to the surface. The road temp was measured at over 150 deg. F, which is causing it to crack and buckle. New steam vents are popping up everywhere.
There are no less than 3 major faults on the west coast that are far over due for major shifting. 2 are on 140 year cycles, and its been about 240 years since their last major activity. Seattle, Portland, and many more northwestern coastal cities.... goodbye. It is estimated that over 10,000 will die instantly, and the quake will be above 10 on the Richter scale, causing a wave over 100 feet high, and 500 miles long to hit Japan shortly thereafter.
Isis is gaining a foot hold in Iraq, now controlling more than 30% of the country. Taking advantage of over 500 billion dollars worth of planes, boats, tanks, Humvees, artillery and small arms like hand held rocket launchers that we just left behind upon departing from Iraq. They are now better armed than the Iraqi army. The list of assets we vacated is endless. There is a reason why we didn't bring it back, or at least blow up and disable all of this military equipment before we left Iraq. There is a reason why an Isis army of only 7,000 troops forced over 40,000 US trained Iraqi solders to drop their weapons on the spot and run when they invaded Iraq earlier this year.
Speaking of the middle east, here's an example of just how messed up our Government has become:
Back in March, while U.S. warplanes were were busy providing air support to Iranian-backed militias in Tikrit in efforts to fight off ISIS, they were also busy in Yemen providing guidance to Saudi pilots bombing Iranian backed Shia insurgents. So in short, the U.S. was bombing Iran’s enemies in one country, and simultaneously helping to bomb Iran’s allies in another.
Then, there's DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and their application of HAARP, The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program which is blowing holes through our ionosphere, causing long term damage to our atmosphere, and severely limiting it's ability to protect our planet from the plasma radiation constantly being projected in our direction by solar flares on the surface of the sun. Global warming and the greenhouse effect are all over hyped, and pale in comparison the what damage these artificial technologies are causing to our atmosphere.
Then, there's the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, located on the Swiss border. Smashing sub atomic particles together at nearly the speed of light. This is not just another particle accelerator. The results of these collisions creates dark and anti matter. We have no idea the consequences when creating these sub atomic anomalies, nor experience in safely storing and isolating them from natural matter.. Many think they are trying to open a portal of some kind. For those who do not believe in extra-terrestrial intelligence ,or the reality that we have been, and continue to be visited by said entities, I say this:
In 1974, we sent a message into space in the form of radio waves via a large radio telescope located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. In 2001, Earth received a response to that message in the form of a crop circle located adjacent to Britain's largest radio telescope known as "Chilbolton". The return message was a geometric copy of what we sent out 20+ years earlier. Very similar to the Jody Foster movie "Contact". You can link to the story here:
Don't forget about North Korea. That effen nutcase will nuke us the minute he can develop or get his hands on a delivery system he can attach a warhead to that will reach North America. I know someone whom I will not identify that is a Marine, and just got sent out to Guam on a 6 month tour. Once there, he will be deployed, most likely to North Korea. That's right, inside the borders of North Korea, where they unlawfully jail western journalists for years, only for the sake of practicing Christianity. He said their nuclear program is getting too far advanced,. and needs to be destroyed. I fear for his return, or lack of it.
Then there are the Chinese, and the Soviets. Staunch Communists who combined have the ability to wipe us off of the map with their nuclear arsenals. Putin publicly declares he wants to return his military's strength to a pre cold war status. Russian long range nuclear bombers routinely fly missions only 50 miles off of the California coastline as a spiteful sign of military power, in response to our humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine, and the sanctions placed upon them as punishment for their occupation and invasion of the Ukraine by the U.S. and UN. All along, he denies any occupation whatsoever, whilst his military troops plow through there planting fear and forcing their compliance to his ways. Cutting off their electrical and water supplies when they don't cooperate. Raping and pillaging their little country all along the way.

I just outlined 6 very real, documented possibilities of world changing, or even life ending events that would empower the US govt. to invoke Martial law upon us. Do not take this Training mission in Texas lightly.
For the record, I failed to mention the millions of rounds of hollow point and .223 caliber sniper-type bullets the US govt. purchased in the last year. Or the hundreds of thousands of so called "casket liners" they've purchased (which are actually large plastic boxes with lids. Too big to fit into any coffin I've ever seen, but perfectly sized to fit 5-10 bodies in each container, with a sealed cover) It is no mystery that our world has become over populated, and many are suffering as a result..
I can back up every claim made here as fact, via web links if anyone doubts the authenticity of this post. Sweet dreams!.
Mr Johnson, are you still using the same email?
Any Marine claiming to go into North Korea is as truthful as me saying I am the president of the United States lol Not trying to throw them under the bus however their special ops program just got off the ground and they donot have a tier one unit nor do they have one on the planning table. I can tell you that those boxes are used as outer liners, the caskets go in them. Other countries have used them for out breaks and other mass deaths/killings. I am not trying to debunk anything just throwing some facts out on two things.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
Any Marine claiming to go into North Korea is as truthful as me saying I am the president of the United States lol Not trying to throw them under the bus however their special ops program just got off the ground and they donot have a tier one unit nor do they have one on the planning table. I can tell you that those boxes are used as outer liners, the caskets go in them. Other countries have used them for out breaks and other mass deaths/killings. I am not trying to debunk anything just throwing some facts out on two things.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
Thanks Pat, because I am an avid fan of science and facts, therefore, I rather enjoy the learning process of being corrected by someone in the know, as you appear to be..
Regarding North Korea, I found it very hard to believe also. My immediate thought was why would they send out a jarhead with standard training (his daily job is the cleaning, maintenance, repair, and storage of all firearms under .500"caliber.) to deal with something as highly technical and sensitive as the disabling and/or removal of uranium enriching centrifuges. He wouldn't know what one even looks like, unless he was given special training on the subject. Given your response, I'd call him out on it, but he shipped out last week. I'm just repeating what he told me. I've known this man my whole life, and never known him to tell bold face lies, so someone must have convinced him that N.K. was a strong possibility. It's his first deployment after 5 years in the service. Maybe a bunch of greenies were sitting around one night, and in anticipation, speculating on the their future mission. I will find out when he returns if he was aware of any troops covertly entering and operation in N.K.
Interesting info on the large boxes though. Ive seen many funerals, military and otherwise, and a few subsequent burials to boot, but never before have I seen a 5 or $6,000.00 casket enclosed in a large hard plastic case before it was lain down in the ground. I don't know what other purpose the boxes would serve, other than be used as shipping containers to protect new, high end caskets.. But I don't think our government is in the coffin mfg. business. Over 500,000 units have been acquired since 2013. It is certain that the govt. is expecting mass casualties in the near future.
I wish you could debunk all of the other details in my post. As an employee of the accused, what's your take on the US govt., and do you think they have it in them to hang us out to dry? Do you believe they have an elaborate underground network of bunkers and tunnels as I've described that extends from coast to coast, and that the lower and middle class citizens will have no access to when disaster strikes? Do you believe the govt. is keeping crucial information from us regarding the stability of our environment, and the potential global dangers we face? Do you think they were in any way maliciously attached to 911? Do you have children under 18, and if so, do you fear that their future may not be a democratic nor prosperous one?
But the biggest question is, like myself, do you believe that the position the western world currently finds itself in is irreparable without a massive loss of life, that it's reputation for shoving democracy down the throats of other countries is tarnished beyond repair, that our best days have long since past, and that the Government we once trusted no longer has our best interest in mind? What will be your reaction if and when the "peacekeepers" we once trusted to protect us, begins to strip our rights and freedoms away, all in an effort to protect "us", and the integrity of our democratic society? Do you think my views are even close to being accurate, or do you think I am way out in left field and overly paranoid. Yeah, I know. For a guy who claims to like facts and science, I sure speculate a lot!
I really don't expect you to spend a lot of time answering all of these questions. It's more a mental exercise for the people who live life with "the glass is half full" attitude, and still think the bubble in which we all live is a safe and sustainable. IT IS NOT!
Well this has been some very interesting reading.

I do believe there is some merit to a couple topics touched on, being North Korea posing a threat at some point in time, Russia also posing a threat at some point in time, and that our foreign policy in the middle east is like a poorly written joke.

As far as the underground magnetic railroads and UFO's i would have to put on my tinfoil hat and do some research.
As a guy who use to do that military thing for a living.. I can tell you that special operations forces have been doing training and selection courses in major (and rural) cities for many many years...Jade Helm is just another excersize but just more publicized than maybe we have seen before.. wars are changing and our military is always adapting too.. special operations troops with more robust specialized training are becoming a larger and more strategic part of our military. Don't worry.. every thing is ok.
I will never understand how one can believe that Ours is the only intelligent life in the entire universe. Our sun is but only one star out of 400 billion or more stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone. The distance across the Milky Way galaxy is estimated to be between 100,000 and 180,000 light years, and the distance of just one light year is approximately 4.8 trillion miles. To think that ours is the only intelligent life in our galaxy is a stretch to say the least. But, when you consider there are not just hundreds, thousands, or even millions, but billions of galaxies in the universe similar to our own, well then those who do not believe in extra-terrestrial intelligence are just arrogant. The possibility of satellites similar to Earth that orbit stars similar to our sun, and with similar conditions are endless, therefore, so is the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe.

Extra-terrestrial intelligent life is much more likely than a man building a huge boat, then finding a way to locate a male and female of over 8.7 million species of living animals on Earth, then loading them all onto a ship, or ark if you will, finding a way to separate the carnivorous hunters from the defenseless prey that live amongst them, keeping them all healthy and fed for a period of 40 days, then disembarking them in a way as not to allow nature to take its course and have a good part of the gathering succumb to being prey for the starving hunters. Of course, this belief relies heavily on faith, because Noah and his Ark of animals is a physical impossibility being that Noah's Ark is estimated to be less than half the size of our modern day aircraft carriers.

Being a man of science, I do admit that the human genome, or the DNA double helix is much more technical than only chance or evolution affords. So, the question then lies in the definition of God, and the spirituality of defining God goes far beyond what I am willing to discuss here. I lean more towards our existence being engineered by intelligent life.

As far as underground facilities, the US Govt. has built many since the threat of nuclear warfare since WWll. They do not publicize these facilities, but you can go to this link for the one I claimed exists under the Denver airport and decide for yourself the validity of this facility.
There will be similar links to other facilities as well, but the naysayers will believe what they want to believe just as the believers will believe what they wish to believe.
Also, a contractor named Phillip Schneider who allegedly took part in building various underground bunkers for the US Govt. has a lot to say, and provides pretty compelling information as to the validity of his claims.
I apologize if I offended any Christians by referring to them as arrogant, but I just can't see how anyone could not consider life is present elsewhere in the universe, if not based on the number of possibilities alone. T
I'm not a biblical scholar, but I believe that to accept that intelligent life exists elsewhere is in direct conflict with what the bible says, so I can see the reluctance to agree with my point of view.
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Like an idiot, I mistakenly placed this post in the wrong thread! Although it is a bit redundant to my prior post, it adds some key points I wanted to mention.

You are right Mike in that our next war is definitely going to be a civil one.
It is certainly a person's choice to be content with the information the government chooses to share with the general public. If one decides to accept said information as whole and accurate, that is their choice. Any data I can add that contradicts that safe place, will be taken with a grain of salt, as your opinions have already been formed. To say that ours is the only intelligence in a universe as vast as ours borders on fanaticism. Or, to think there is not a network of underground facilities after the post wwll cold war is just ignorant. The information is out there for those who choose to research it. To be content that your government is looking out for your best interest will be your downfall when chaos ensues.

Our govt. has been manipulating us with lies about many topics. One being terrorism, and the assault and danger it represents to the western world. Terrorism aimed at the western world wouldn't be so proactive, frequent, and aggressive if we weren't shoving democracy down their throats at every turn. Be it through financial penalties in the form of UN Sanctions, or the outright invasion of their country and the murdering of their elected officials, we force our ways upon them, and they will comply whether they like it or not. I guess freedom of religion only applies inside Americas borders.
Wmd's in Iraq? Really? Yes, they had been enriching Uranium to weapons grade , and almost had enough enriched Uranium to make a sizable nuclear bomb, so said our Government. They were still working on a reliable delivery method. Our invasion of Iraq was nothing more than a hate campaign orchestrated by our Government to gain our acceptance of the administrations policy on terrorism. I'm pretty sure oil had something to do with it as well. Busch publicly hanged Hussein just weeks after his capture and speedy trial. If I recall, the hanging was punishment for his war crimes, mostly the use of the nerve gas Serin that Husseins appointed military leaders used on hundreds of thousands of their own people, as well as non compliant citizens in adjacent countries. If Hussein was allowed to remain in power, the whole ISIL taking over Iraq debacle would never have been allowed to take place. Iraq is now more lawless with out Hussein than it would have been with him. Now, I've never experienced the agony of inhaling nerve gas, but given a choice, I'm pretty sure I'd choose the nerve gas over having my head slowly hacked off with a pocket knife. Anyday. Our current administration is allowing ISIL to spread for reasons unclear to me. We left a buttload of military equipment behind in Iraq that has increased the military power of ISIL by leaps and bounds. I can't believe u.s. citizens buy into the administrations propaganda. We all hurt from 911, and someone had to pay. Hell, our own government had more to do with 911 than Hussein ever did. FYI: 911 was not orchestrated only by radical Islamist's. It was part of a massive campaign by our own Government, at the expense of thousands of human lives. It was designed to build hatred in American citizens towards a group of people the government wants either exterminated, or to be controlled. But most importantly, it also lays the groundwork for invoking Martial Law once the "War on Terror" escalates to a more vicious or "hectic" level.
Terrorism and natural disasters are the major tools that Obama will use to invoke Martial Law and enact certain executive orders. New laws that will allow the government the legal power to arrest and detain anyone it considers a threat to the newly structured Democracy.

Since 911, FEMA has been building concentration camps across the country. You can research them here:
Be sure to read carefully the executive orders listed therein.
They are huge, typically having the capacity for 20,000 inmates or more. One in Alaska can hold over 2 million "prisoners". Make no mistake about it. They are federal prisons referred to by FEMA as "re-education camps" Internment camps that are run by MP's, and overlooked by the Federal Emergency Management Administration. It is where people like myself would be taken and held indefinitely against my will, without counsel, just because I'm outspoken against our government stripping us of our freedoms and rights that are allotted to us by the US Constitution. NRA members beware. The U.S Government has wanted you to relinquish your firearms for some time now. You will be high on their list of people to visit and neutralize. What fate lies ahead for those of us that could not be, or refused to be re-programmed? There has to be at least 30 % of the country's population that will adamantly oppose the New World Order. Then what? Hold on to your britches boys and girls, because I'm going to drop the biggest bomb yet.

Not only has the US government purchased billions of rounds of body shredding bullets and hundreds of thousands of economical body boxes they refer to as "casket liners" over the last couple of years, (you can see a video here:)
they took out yet another page from Hitler's playbook and have also acquired over 100,000 heavy rail cars. You can read about them here:
Each car is retrofitted with 3 levels of shackles welded in place. Rumor has it that these rail cars also have guillotines mounted in the front of each car!

Now, I will stick with the Hitler comparisons and compare how our Government is positioning themselves, and using the same tactics as Adolph Hitler did in his 1933 rise to power in Nazi Germany. Read about it here:
In 1933, just 4 short weeks after Hitler was sworn in as the Chancellor of Germany, the Nazi party was behind a fire that burned down the German Parliament so Hitler could convince the then President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an emergency decree to suspend civil liberties in order to counter the "ruthless confrontation of the Communist Party of Germany". After passing the decree, the government instituted mass arrests of communists, including all of the Communist Party parliamentary delegates. With their bitter rival communists gone and their seats empty, the Nazi Party went from being a plurality party to the majority; this enabled Hitler to consolidate his power. I'm quite certain that nobody back then even had a clue as to the ethnic cleansing Hitler was later to perform under his new-found powers and majority rule.

So in review,
-Hitler created a lie by blaming the Parliament fire on the Communist party (Busch/911) then:
-suspended civil liberties (Martial Law) in order to:
-counter the "ruthless confrontation" of the Communist party (the massive illegal flow of immigrants into the U.S.across the US/Mexico border following a large natural disaster due to a lack of government resources back home) so he could:
-consolidate his power (Executive Orders)

Now, I agree that the train cars and casket liners are a bit far fetched. Actually, both have been debunked elsewhere online as to their role in our government "exterminating" us. But the fact is they exist, In large numbers, and for a purpose yet known to us, which still means there is a government cover up of some sort. . Who in their right mind would stock pile such a high volume of these death related items without advance knowledge of needing them sometime in the future in mass quantities? As I have previously stated, I believe there is something very influential that is orbiting our sun, and soon will affect us here on Earth. There has been a 600% increase in meteors that survive the massive heat and pressure of entering into earths atmosphere.and making it down to the Earths surface. You can see a video here:
They can easily be explained by a large mass in our general vicinity that either the intense gravity pulls a field of debris along wherever it goes, or, the mystery item passed through the Kuyper Belt (a huge band of rock debris orbiting around our sun, located in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter) and picked up debris there.. If Earth were to pass through that field of debris, it would be detrimental to the lives of millions of people around the globe. An event of this magnitude would not be exposed to us by people in the know for obvious reasons.

So, if after researching the data I've provided you still think my concerns are unfounded, and that this information somehow flows into my brain via a tin foil hat (By the way Bob, that was effen hilarious!) then go ahead and continue to live in your safe place, and have faith that you will always be protected, and your best interests looked out for by your elected officials. Just know that in doing so would be a great disservice to your children and their future. Something huge awaits mankind. Who knows, maybe it's the 2nd coming of Christ. Were right about at the time for it to happen. The signs are abundant, so say the prophets. How awesome would that be, to find your peril during the Armageddon? It would surely beat out any other lame story in heaven about how one died. No matter what the spirit claims took his life, you are one of the few who can say you died in the Armageddon. Bragging rights for eternity! Ha haa heee!

Sorry Joey. I didn't mean to go postal on your thread!

If i click on your links to do some research am i going to get flagged as a terrorist, or a fanatical conservative and have it go in my permanent file? J/K

I saw this posted a couple days ago and thought it was interesting.


If you can't win at the national or regional level then take it to the city level.

You have 60 days to remove your "high capacity" anything over 10 lol! magazines from the city or turn them into the police and wait for the best part the police can then "destroy them, transfer them, or sell them"

Wow, might be time to reinstate my NRA membership.

If i click on your links to do some research am i going to get flagged as a terrorist, or a fanatical conservative and have it go in my permanent file? J/K

I saw this posted a couple days ago and thought it was interesting.


If you can't win at the national or regional level then take it to the city level.

You have 60 days to remove your "high capacity" anything over 10 lol! magazines from the city or turn them into the police and wait for the best part the police can then "destroy them, transfer them, or sell them"

Wow, might be time to reinstate my NRA membership.
Yeah, limiting magazine size is one way the U.S. govt. gets around the 2nd amendment. If Obama has his way, citizens would not be allowed to carry. Our government approved firearms will be ineffective against the firepower "peace keepers" use. It renders our right to bear arms pretty useless when we have to reload our single shot muskets before firing off a second round. Meanwhile, Johnny SWAT is unloading his semi-automatic mag into our flesh. Yep, BAM is being facetious again! Never owned a firearm, but I will soon. A big, strong, loud one.

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