How NOT to Drive A UTV in a public setting! WATCH THIS VIDEO


So since I was banned for pointing out this complete disregard for safety on another site here is something I want to share that I hope NO ONE else does. This is bad for the sport, and should something have gone wrong here it could COST US ALL our love of the hobby. Remember, these are off highway vehicles, and while a top speed run on black top is all good it should only be done on private roads or in a controlled environment. If being done on public roads as it is here it should be done in a REGISTERED and LICENSED vehicle and on a road that allows the speeds being traveled. The video below will show an overly excited new owner of a new XP900 driving like a complete moron to try and show off for a camera. While we are all guilty of doing bonehead things from time to time we should use this video below as an example of what not to do. Again, our sport is walking a fine line and we need to be responsible individuals to preserve it for future generations.

[ame=]YouTube - xp 008[/ame]

Notice that the XP is a Fast and AWESOME machine, but do you think you should be going 70mph in a 35mph zone? What would happen if a car pulled out here, we are one lawsuit away from losing our sport folks. These are designed for off highway use....I am also positive the culprit here did not have a helmet on...What is he thinking?

[ame=]YouTube - xp 006[/ame]

Notice here the same driver, Frank here is ripping around with no care of another vehicle coming into the parking lot. You can hear another car honking at him for driving like a moron. You can also see the skills he has, which aren't much, he looks out of control going 10mph.

In all I am calling this to attention because this guy is really putting our community at risk, not to mention his life, but it is clear that he does not care about the potential ramifications should he hurt someone else or himself for driving like a tool on public streets and in parking lots nonetheless.

Sorry Frank, but you FAIL here......
If that was my car I would of got out and kicked his ass what a dip shit, my 10 year old daughter knows better not to do that kind of stuff and he's a grown man. That is to bad! :mad:
Yeah it appears that mr. FJK Frank who is a "super moderator" at the rzr forum is trying to save his butt again. FJK banned me for calling him out last year on his false rumor of Polaris havign 4 new frame options and 1000cc motor which he claims he got form his "Inside Polaris resource". I tried to explain that his claims were way off, so he banned me. Then he tried to share these videos shwoing the off at the Commander site, so I mentioned how it was unsafe and what do you know, banned from there

You cant fix stupid as they say........
I just pointed it out on the frank forum(rzrforum) and now I'm getting bashed. I would have thought people would have more common sense over there I guess not. That is why I call the underground my home!
yeah funny how no one else saw the 35mph sign as he flew by at is why I love our home here. You guys can call me out and not worry about me banning you forever...LOL....maybe
its sad, FJK is a good guy, I really believe that, he does a lot for the rzr site but his ego is so fricken' massive that it tarnishes who he really is. He is so worried about being the MAN that he will forgo fair judgment and rational. If you cross him, he bans you. Not a place I would want to be a part of. I am a forum junkie, I love to read and participate so it bugs me that you cant have an opinion for fear of being banned. Makes me want to make this place even better!
damn i sooo want to take my RZR1 down the freeway and video reactions i get but i dont want it to come off me be an unsafe dik. plus i am a pussy and scared to do it.
Thanks Joey for pointing this out. The thing with these machines is any Tom dick and Harry can buy these vehicles and “know†how to drive them without knowing what the heck they are doing. Common sense doesn’t seem to run very well with some people. The best thing we can do as a community is point these people out like you have here. I can’t believe that you were banned from a web site for pointing out obvious idiocy.
The Underground is the sh!t all other forums fail to come close. The respect and class of the Underground members are second to none!

Thanks Joey for posting this! You are so right about being a step away! Here in Washington state we are see just how easy it is for activist and politicians can shut down land that ORV tabs pay for and continue to make it very difficult to do what we love. Its crap like what you all have discribed above that makes us all look bad...

How did Gump say it "stupid is, stupid does" LMAO

1st thing I like about this place is I don't worry about getting banned for my opinion

2nd thing I like about this place is how it is a (UTV/SXS) site... not a RZR, Commander, Rhino, Teryx,Arctic Cat site. I visit all of them and learn a little here and there and have met great people. There are a ton of knowledgeable folks on here to learn from and have owned just about one of every flavor machine and tell it how it is vs a biased point of view because its the only SXS they have owned or ridden in. Hell... how many hybrid Frankenstein machines have been posted on here.

Joey.. you made a valid point and I hear Frank is a great guy (never met him). This industry has been walking a fine line since the Rhino law suits started and it amazes me only Yamaha has been tied up in them in the spotlight while the other vendors run off with machines like the Commander and XP. If Frank would have been in an accident it would have been a whole new door opening up against Polaris and the SXS industry. I know people get excited with new toys... I do it too but you gotta step back and think and I think in hindsight Frank would agree that wasn't very smart. The fact you were banned is total BS! Keep up the good work and this site will reflect it.
check this out haha this guy is just in swim trunks!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Crash & Hard Landing Compilation - Part 1 - Super ATV[/ame]
I watched the parking lot video before it was made private and it did seem like he was a little hot for a parking lot in a vehicle he just got behind the seat of.

Frank is a super nice guy. I think he just got blinded by getting a new unit early in the cycle and wanted desparately to make up for his blown predictions for Model Year 2011. I was really suprised when he posted all of that when us media guys were still under embargo. He was pretty confident in his predictions and it was hard to sit back and bite my tongue.
OK guys, as I read this thread it's easy to see some are willing to go the extra mile to point out they don't like what they saw.........
........Could the same flamers also say they have a perfect driving record, no speeding? no rushing to make the freeway exit before you passed it? NO moving violations?

Get off your high horses.........

BTW....Joey there are two sides to every story. I'm not suer it was a professional move to for an admin to stir the pot on another forum then come back here and cry "I was banned" and for the record I banned you not Frank.

Well then if its not such a big deal then lift the ban and let him speak his peace on what ever other board you banned him from like you are able to do here.....
OK guys, as I read this thread it's easy to see some are willing to go the extra mile to point out they don't like what they saw.........
........Could the same flamers also say they have a perfect driving record, no speeding? no rushing to make the freeway exit before you passed it? NO moving violations?

Get off your high horses.........

BTW....Joey there are two sides to every story. I'm not suer it was a professional move to for an admin to stir the pot on another forum then come back here and cry "I was banned" and for the record I banned you not Frank.

So why not explain to me why I was banned? Was I disrespectful by pointing out the irresponsible and complete disregard for human safety here? Am I wrong to call out a SUPER MODERATOR of a site who posts videos of his reckless driving a UTV and putting all of our lively hoods and sport in jeopardy?

BTW, speeding in a registered -on-highway car or truck is one thing, but I dont care what you are driving, doing 70mph in a 35mph zone is a total ass-hat move. Not to mention doing it in a OHV not even wearing proper safety gear, shifting lanes, and crossing double yellow lines like you are above the law.

Look, yeah I got a problem with being banned for pointing our obvious safety concerns and it makes me a little butt hurt, but I got a bigger problem with people who are supposed to be pillars of our community and advocates for our sport trying to dismiss the utter dis-concern for safety that our sport seriously needs to respect right now. He was one roll over away from spoiling everyones fun!

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