How NOT to Celebrate a UTV Race WIN - WATCH THIS CRASH


[ame=""]Crash Video: UTV Nose Dive Flips - Liquid Nitro Arenacross Tour Tulsa - YouTube[/ame]
Yes on the doors...but Im going to say the cage did its job and took the impact...if it had not gave all that force goes right into the driver;)

I'll agree with you on that. But, the amount that the cage caved is a little to close to the drivers head for me. Looks like it might have hit his head to me. But like I said, I agree that it's better the force goes to the cage and not the driver.
He hasn't been riding long either, he pretty much just bought that and raced his first race in NOV just south of me, where I won. Since then he has been rec riding and getting better. He says he is going to put it back together and upgrade everything. Wish I was there but we were enroute from KOH.
Still not too bright. He's lucky he has a left arm. It did look like his head impacted the roof, so I would imagine his neck took a pretty big hit too. I'm glad it wasn't me.:rolleyes:

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