New Member
Hi guys. I wanted to start off by introducing myself. My name is Randy Foster. I am new to this forum, but not new to side by sides. I have 19 years in the motorcycle industry and was in side by sides in the beginning. In 2006 I had one of the first long travel rhinos built. Anyone who goes to Gordons or Glamis in California might know me. I had a big burly green and gold rhino. I did promotions out there for Black Rhino, Rockstar, and South Bay Motorsports. Chances are I gave you a free Rockstar and hat. I am now going to be helping out my buddies at Black Rhino to take care of all you guys here on the forums. I hope to find out what you guys want and try and put together some great pricing to help with the crunch and save you guys money for gas in them! I am also here if anyone needs advice. I know a lot, but not everything and am not ashamed to admit it to you instead of blowing smoke up you’re a**! Chances are though, if I don’t know the answer, I know who does. So feel free to stop by and say hi anytime, and more importantly, thanks for having me.